Bro Job

The word ‘Bromance” has been added to our vocabulary in the last couplf of years but just last week I heard someone say BroJob which caused me to burst out laughing.

I suppose the idea behind it would be a couple of str8 guys who are mates and get drunk and blow each other.  Or maybe it could be a couple of str8 guys who blow each other occasionally just as friends.  What do you put as the definition of such a term?

The idea of a str8 friend who wanted to exchange a bro job every now and then sounds pretty awesome if you ask me.

Speedo GuySpeedo RubGay Blowjob

1 User Responded in " Bro Job "

k1speedo said,  

I wouldn’t mind a brojob from a couple of my straight mates but guess I will just have to dream about that while playing with myself haha.

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