Girls Next Door

It is soooo nice waking up to the sound of the ocean, there is something special about it.  Looking out along the beach I can count on my fingers the number of people I can see right now.

Yesterday was fun catching up with everyone and it feels like I never left.

One interesting development is a couple of girls that live next door.  My mates know one of the girls and the boys have nicknamed her Malvern (it is a bicycle brand because they reckon everyone in town has had a ride) and the other girl, I’ll call her Miss W. is a real cutie and really nice.  Could be interesting….

I’ve got 2 of the guys coming around to watch the super bowl in about an hour – GO THE BRONCOS!!!!

I mentioned it yesterday that I’m being in undated with snow photos since I left.  Ow well, I’ve got a pair of black arena speedos on (nothing else) and I’m going for a quick dip.  It is OK to drink beer at 10:30am if it is during the super bowl right?

Speedo SnowAussie Day in the Snow

3 Users Responded in " Girls Next Door "

beerdoc_colorado said,  

dont you know the score ahead of time?..since it is tomorrow there already? game isnt over so I m here posting and bored. I expected score to be flopped. sorry about you missing the pow:)
american accent..that is funny..have a warm week!

Darren said,  

The guy on the right in the first pic is great with those low fitting speedos. I hope his cock is warmer than his feet!

Mike said,  

I agree with Darren, the guy on the right is hot. If his cock is cold I have somewhere warm where he can slide it in.

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