Today I caught up with Alex and his boyfriend (for those new here, Alex was a str8 guy that I converted over a couple of year period)….. Alex met his boyfriend at a triathlon training camp so you can imagine that they both look absolutely fantastic in speedos!!!
It was a classic Aussie Sunday and Kip and his boyfriend came over for a BBQ. I haven’t seen them since I got back from Colorado and Alex said that they have been enjoying my experiences with the Married Guy. The rest of the crew were in Manly (down near Sydney) for a wedding which Alex and I weren’t invited to so it was just the three of us in the backyard, overlooking the beach, drinking and cooking some snags on the barbie.
Alex and I don’t wear speedos when we are just ‘hanging’ with people at the beach but Alex’s boyfriend has no qualms about speedoing it up in front of anyone.
I knew my neighbors (two chicks which I have a lot of sexual tension with but nothing has ever happened) were going to be around so Alex and I were just wearing boardies. The girls joined us later in the afternoon which was fun.
Alex and I were shirtless in boardies, Alex’s boyfriend was in a classic black speedo and the girls were in bikinis.
The girls have seen me at times wearing a speedo and at one point they started teasing Alex and I about not speedo’ing it up. We both sacked up, took off our boardies and spent the rest of the afternoon just in our speedos…..
It is good to have speedo friends.