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Summer is Cumming

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Ow darn, I meant to post this two weeks ago…..

Winter here in Queensland (that is the state that I live in) is fantastic.  It was a little cool of a morning for about three weeks, but now that is over and the warm weather is back.  Here is the forecast for the coming week (28C is 82F for my American mates).

Summer is Cumming

I’ve got a little bit of a road trip next week, but after that, I am looking forward to settling in for a fantastic summer.  Who is going to drop the dork shorts and join me?

Classic SpeedosClassic SpeedoClassic Black SpeedoClassic Black Speedos

August 24th, 2024

Aussie Diver – Sam Fricker

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How have I only recently learnt about the existence of Sam Fricker, a fair dinkum, Aussie speedo God!!!

He is an Olympic Diver, so of course his body is perfect and being a diver, he wearing speedos all the time.  Who couldn’t fall in love with Sam?

Here is a gallery for you guys to drool over, just as I have.

A recent pic from Sam’s social media stuff…. imagine the threesome these guys could have?

My speedo can’t retrain my cock when I think about that…. hehehe.

Divers Threesome

May 7th, 2024

My New Aussie Speedos

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Sun is out so I am at the beach, christening a new pair of Aussie speedos.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, been super busy and with the weather being a little bit hit and miss, I feel like my horny levels aren’t as high.  It is days like today, being on the beach wearing very little that get my horniness back up.

One thing I have been working on, it a HUGE backlog of new movies.  One in particular I think you guys will enjoy and I have just been given permission to share it with you guys.  I’ll get it online for you tomorrow afternoon.

Hope you guys are enjoying the sun, I’ll be going to one of the ‘cruising’ areas of the beach late this afternoon to see if I can’t ‘really’ get these new speedos christened.

My Aussie Speedos

If you aren’t a member, you can’t see the unblurred version of my new Aussie speedos, so here is a bunch of random guys wearing their Aussie speedos.

April 19th, 2024

Suns Out, Speedos are On

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For the last couple of weeks we have had a soaking rain here, this morning I woke up, looked out the window to see blue sky and not a single cloud.

This got me excited, I jumped out of bed, coffee pot on, speedos on, shorts on, quick email check and check the server logs to make sure everything is running nice and smooth, then I was out the door.

Just went for a little walk along my beach and had a swim.  The place had an upbeat, positive vibe now that the sun is out again.  The ocean water is a little dirty because of the rain but it was still nice.  These two weeks might be the longest time I have not been in the ocean for years.

Back in the office now, finishing up some work that I had to get finished and then I am going to grab my laptop, maybe an adult beverage and head down and spend some more time on the beach.

Anyone want to join me?

Red Speedo HandstandRed SpeedoRed Speedo Bum


March 28th, 2024

Very Aussie Weekend

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I just walked in the door after a busy weekend, a very typical Aussie Summers weekend.  Some friends I grew up with invited me to hang out at their family house on the coast.  I have knuckled down and am doing some great work, I thought I shouldn’t miss out on hanging out with friends.  I am a bit of a hermit during our summer holiday season.

It was like I was a kid again.

No shoes were worn during the three days, from the time I woke up, to the time I fell asleep (which was much earlier than my usual bedtime) I was playing outdoors.  Swimming in the ocean and river, cricket on the beach, tennis, ping pong, card games and my first game of Monopoly in forever.

Was a great weekend.

Now I’m going to do some house chores, two loads of washing, make up corned beef for dinner and I will probably be in bed by 8pm.  Tomorrow, I think I will head up to the local ‘unofficial’ nude beach…. after a weekend of family time, might be time for some adult time.

Speedo Cricket

January 14th, 2024

Pink Speedos

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A repost from last summer when I was trying out some new pink speedos.

Because this post includes selfies of me at my local beach (50m from my home) I’m going to keep this post and these speedo selfies for members only.

This is why I created the members only area of the blog, so that I could share pics and experiences that I don’t really want to be 100% public.

Thanks for understanding.

Please, consider becoming a member.  It is $5 a month (that was the minimum amount I could make it).

Saturday morning I woke up a little hungover.  Long time members (this is a members only post) will be aware that when I’m hungover, I am super horny!!!

Dragging my arse out of bed, I needed some beach time and the day was just perfect.

I couldn’t be bothered driving up to a quiet beach (I probably would have been over the blood alcohol limit still) so I threw on my pink AussieBum’s, a towel, threw my laptop, phone and some sunscreen in my bag and wandered down to the beach.

Tide was high and I did go south to a quieter end of the beach and worked on my speedo tan.

If you wandered in to the dunes and found a guy wearing a pair of pink AussieBum speedos…. what would you do?

July 17th, 2023
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