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Aussie Diver – Sam Fricker

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How have I only recently learnt about the existence of Sam Fricker, a fair dinkum, Aussie speedo God!!!

He is an Olympic Diver, so of course his body is perfect and being a diver, he wearing speedos all the time.  Who couldn’t fall in love with Sam?

Here is a gallery for you guys to drool over, just as I have.

A recent pic from Sam’s social media stuff…. imagine the threesome these guys could have?

My speedo can’t retrain my cock when I think about that…. hehehe.

Divers Threesome

May 7th, 2024

To Blog, or not to Blog

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I have just taken the longest break from blogging in well over 10 years!!!

I’m sorry I didn’t announce it, it really wasn’t planned.  Usual Xmas/New Years chaos means I don’t really get up to as many speedo sexual escapades, which is what I love writing and sharing with you guys.  After a few weeks it got me thinking if I wanted to continue with this blog or not?

Some of the pro’s of running the Aussie Speedo Guy blog I’ve come up with:

  • I love sharing my experiences.  Not being ‘out’, to most people in my daily life, blogging is often the only place I get to share my experiences.
  • Over the years I’ve met some great people, both online and in their speedos.

Some of the con’s:

  • It takes a lot of time!!!  When I am running the blog properly, it is easily 3hrs a day.  One hour reply to members and the payment stuff.  An hour or so writing and preparing future blog posts (includes movies and galleries) and an hour of promoting the blog (Twitter, tube submissions, that kind of thing).  That is at least 6 days a week.
  • It doesn’t break even.  So I am doing this as a bit of a charity although I love the support of members and it makes it easier.
  • Being discrete is often tough….

Sounds like the pro’s outweigh the con’s and if I keep putting in the effort, it might break even one day cost wise.

I appreciate all the messages while I have been on hiatus, that definitely helped convince me to get back to it.

As of today, I will be back at it.  Starting with working on some WordPress technical bugs that I will get Kip to help me with, as well as 70 emails that I need to work through.

Thanks for your support guys.

Speedo Bum

January 9th, 2024

Beach Day/Morning

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I woke up this morning and it was a spectacular day.  It has been a little bit windy here over the last couple of months.

Instead of my morning coffee and walk, I got the most important work done (emails to members) and by 10am I was ready for the beach.

If only I had some company…..

Beach Speedos

Published under Boring Postsend this post
November 17th, 2023

Maroon Speedos

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The speedo movie I shared with you guys yesterday, as I mentioned, it is one of my all time favourite speedo movies.

So much so, that I bought a pair of Maroon Speedos after seeing it.  These AussieBum Classics were always a touch small but lately I have been loosing some weight so yesterday when I went up the beach…. I wore them.  These are the first speedo selfies of me wearing these.  They feel fantastic!!!

Maroon Speedo

August 16th, 2023

Hottest green speedo picture ever!!!

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Today I was working on some promo stuff for my site and I was looking for an old speedo photo.  It is weird how some speedo pics just stick in my memory, I do kind of look at guys in speedos all day, just the photos archive on has 6,500 photos.  I did find the pic I was looking for and followed it to see when I first posted it on this blog.  It was back in December 2007!!!

Pretty sure Facebook didn’t exist back then… but the Aussie Speedo Guy did.  Hahaha.

Here is the post I wrote all that time ago:

This guy looks like a guy called Adam I went to primary skool with.  The guy I knew was a twin and about 4 yrs ago I ran into his twin sister at a night club on the Gold Coast.  She looked fantasic (tall, tanned, fit and blonde) and all I could think about at the time was I wonder what Adam looks like these days.

Green Speedo

July 3rd, 2023

Not Speedo Weather

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The Sunshine Coast (where I live) is not living up to its name today… it is a soggy old Sunday.

I was up early thinking I might be able to get out for a walk but it has been drizzling constantly all morning.  So I’ve been sitting here doing end of the month accounting work.  My life isn’t all about doing naughty things in speedos.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I’ve been busy with some tech issues, I’ve been feeling a little fat so really trying to smash some exercise (which is going well) and there really hasn’t been too much horny business going on.  I really find that when I am having some sexual adventures I am hornier and I post/share more.

I have four speedo experiences which are all 80% finished and I will get them finished and published for you guys over the next two weeks.  I also have a backlog of new movies which I can’t wait to share with you guys as well.

I promise to spend this rainy old Sunday getting some speedo porn ready for you guys.  I will watch a bit of Bathurst (car race here in Australia) and I will get to the pool as well.  Just hope I don’t get too wet from the rain.

This guy has inspired me to wear a red speedo to the pool today…..

Classic Red Speedo

Published under About Me, Boring Postsend this post
October 9th, 2022
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