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Twink Pool Party

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During this week I have been talking with a long time fan online, he is an early twenties, gay guy in a committed gay relationship.  We’ll call him, Cam (not his real name for discretionary purposes but he is super excited for me to write about him on my blog).  Cam and his and his boyfriend love speedos and actually met when they were growing up as junior lifeguards and then ran into each other again at university and began their relationship.

Unfortunately, they are monogamous so I don’t think this is going to end in a threesome.

However….  Cam and his boyfriend have invited me to hang out today.  Cam’s folks have a holiday home not far from where I live and the boys have the house for the weekend.  It has a pool and the weather is gorgeous.  Even though it is winter, it is nearly mid twenties celcius (nearly 80F).  Hanging out with a couple of twenty year old guy who love speedos, who wouldn’t accept such an invitation.

There was one catch though…..

Cam and his boyfriend have a gay friend of theirs who will be at the pool party as well.  We will call him Dylan.  From what Cam has told me Dylan is gay and out, but very inexperienced and super shy.  The gay couple have tried to set Dylan up but he has been too shy and they just want Dylan to get laid.  Sounds like a fun challenge.

My speedos are on and I’m walking out the door, wish me luck guys.

As always, I will share the details of what I get up to with my new speedo friends with you.

Three Speedo Friends

July 14th, 2024

Horny as Hell

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Does anyone know why I am super horny when I am hungover?  Is there a reason?  Does this happen for anyone else?

Wasn’t that big of a night, just watching footy with some mates but I enjoyed a sleep in this morning.  If I had to get up early I wouldn’t be feeling that good.

As usual, I am SUPER HORNY!!!

After jerking off twice, I went for a quick dip at the beach.  it is a gorgeous day and while the water is cooler than summer, it is pretty nice.  Not many other people out swimming through and didn’t see another speedo on the beach.  I would have gone to the pool, but I had a longer than usual swim yesterday, I swam 2,500m and got a little bit of a rash under my right arm so will need to leave pool swimming for a couple of days.

Now I’m back home, sitting around in a speedo and I’m still horny.

Anyone want to come over and help out?

Click here to see more of my speedo selfies.

Horny in Red Speedo

June 30th, 2024

My Favourites

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The footy game I mentioned a couple of days ago turned in to a farce…. my team lost (by a lot), but  I didn’t have to strip down to my maroon speedos.

It was a big night and didn’t get to bed until the wee hours of the morning, perhaps some adult drinks were consumed.  After a light breakfast I hit the road and headed back home, then went to bed for a nap.

I woke up this morning feeling fantastic and looking forward to a much more productive day.

I’m sitting here in my new favourite speedos and once this rather boring Presidential Debate is over, I’m going to walk up to the pool for a swim.

Pictured below are my new ‘favourite’ speedos….

Click here to see a gallery of pics of these speedos.

June 28th, 2024

Winter Solstice (in speedos)

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Yesterday was the Winter Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere, that is the shortest day of the year.  I was busy all day but this morning, I am spending the morning on the deck (with I was on someones dick) reading a book and working on my speedo tan.

While it is cold here (around 10C low), it is warming up to nearly the mid 20C’s so the days are beautiful.

I better get back to my book…. I think I might have a look on Grindr, see if I can find a big man that will let me sit on his dick.  Or a little man, who I can throw around and plow him with my dick.

Big Man in Speedos

June 23rd, 2024

Only Speedo on the Beach

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Quick post for I hit this road this morning.  Going to head out in to the country a little bit to watch a big footy game which is on tonight (called the State of Origin).

I’m up early, did some work and went to the beach for a quick swim.

Coolangatta Beach

Not only was I the only speedo on the beach, I was close to being the only person on the beach!!!

Looking up at all those apartments, I quietly wondered if there was anyone with some binoculars, hand down the front of their speedo enjoy the view of me walking out of the ocean?

I’ll have a few hours this afternoon to share with you guys the ‘naughty’ business I got up to last night.  It involved a very str8 looking/acting mid 30’s guy who is a pure bottom……  and I need to tell you about the Man in the Pink Speedo.

I hope where ever you are, the weather looks just as good as this!!!

Sunny Days in Queensland

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June 5th, 2024

The Man in the Pink Speedo

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My time in Port Macquarie was fun.  I caught up with an old friend, hiked down to the light house (nearly 20km walk) and had a man in a pink speedo occupy me on a very rainy Saturday.

OK, this is an odd one to explain how it came about…..

Saturday morning I was up early and had planned on going on the Parkrun (organized 5K run that happens in a lot of towns on a Saturday morning).  My mate in town has just gotten back in to running so thought it would be fun.  It was pouring rain!!!

Usually, I would not have done it.  But, I was awake, had spent hours in the car the day before so felt like I needed some exercise.  162 other people braved the rain as well.

Run was nice and I did feel really good afterwards.  My next planned appointment was dinner that night.  I went back to my hotel, did some work and I had a midday nap (I am getting old).  I slept for over two hours, woke up completely disorientated as to where I was or what time it was, I always laugh later when this happens.

A little groggy, I sat down to do some more work, considered pouring a drink, but it was only 2pm.  I had a quick search to see if there was a local lap pool, there was one three blocks from my hotel.  That would wake me up for sure.

Ironically, it was still pouring rain, so to avoid getting soaked, I drove the pool.

The 50m pool was really nice.  It is 6 or 8 lanes wide and there was only one other person in there when I jumped in.  I banged out 1,500m.

When I topped, there was a guy in the lane next to me, I hadn’t noticed him so he must have just gotten in the pool and was stretching out.  I like to bang out some laps and then I stretch.

He looked like a serious swimmer, had fins and a few training devices, wore a swim cap and he was wearing a pair of pink Budgy Smuggler speedos.  That caught my attention.

What does a pink speedo mean these days?

  • Does it mean he is gay, out and proud?
  • Is it more of a joke, perhaps a gift from his girlfriend having a laugh?
  • Could be a blokes team or club having a laugh as well?
  • What do you think a pink speedo on a guy means?

I’ll tell you guys more later.  Going for a sunset walk here at the southern end of the Gold Coast.  Hit me up if anyone wants to hang out in speedos later tonight or tomorrow.

In the gallery below, there are three of my speedo selfies of me wearing my pink AussieBum speedos.  I’m not sure where they are, the pink ran when they got wet, ruined a towel the first day I had them so I really haven’t worn them much.  Not sure I have the confidence to pull off wearing a pink speedo.  When I bought it, the idea was to use it as a joke in front of my straight friends (the ones I’m in the closet to).  An excuse to be able to wear speedos amongst my friends.  Never really happened though.


June 3rd, 2024
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