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Twink Pool Party

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During this week I have been talking with a long time fan online, he is an early twenties, gay guy in a committed gay relationship.  We’ll call him, Cam (not his real name for discretionary purposes but he is super excited for me to write about him on my blog).  Cam and his and his boyfriend love speedos and actually met when they were growing up as junior lifeguards and then ran into each other again at university and began their relationship.

Unfortunately, they are monogamous so I don’t think this is going to end in a threesome.

However….  Cam and his boyfriend have invited me to hang out today.  Cam’s folks have a holiday home not far from where I live and the boys have the house for the weekend.  It has a pool and the weather is gorgeous.  Even though it is winter, it is nearly mid twenties celcius (nearly 80F).  Hanging out with a couple of twenty year old guy who love speedos, who wouldn’t accept such an invitation.

There was one catch though…..

Cam and his boyfriend have a gay friend of theirs who will be at the pool party as well.  We will call him Dylan.  From what Cam has told me Dylan is gay and out, but very inexperienced and super shy.  The gay couple have tried to set Dylan up but he has been too shy and they just want Dylan to get laid.  Sounds like a fun challenge.

My speedos are on and I’m walking out the door, wish me luck guys.

As always, I will share the details of what I get up to with my new speedo friends with you.

Three Speedo Friends

July 14th, 2024

Aussie Blokes

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The weather here this week has been just sensational!!!

It has definitely got me in to speedo mode, that is pretty much all I have been wearing around the house, at the pool and at the beach of course.

The other day I saw something from AussieBum saying they were having a party in Mykonos (beach place in Greece).  Can you imagine such a party?

Got me thinking, are there any speedo only parties/events in Australia that you have heard of?  If not, maybe I should organize one…. just a bunch of Aussie Blokes hanging out in speedos.

Aussie Blokes in Budgy Smuggler SpeedosBlokes in SpeedosAussie Gay Blokes

August 20th, 2023

Speedo Pool Party Orgy

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I have been thinking a lot, maybe fantasizing a lot, about attending a speedo only party, or organizing one this summer here in Australia.  It reminded me that back in 2016 (yes, this blog has been around for ages) I was invited to a Speedo Pool Party down in Sydney.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make it and I really wish I could have.  The guy who organized the party seemed like a really cool guy and he was respectful about my own privacy and discretion.  Since I couldn’t make it, I asked him if he would like to share what happened at the Speedo Pool Party.

Here is his account of what they got up to…..

Dave, I’m happy to contribute the below details of the meet (unfortunately now that autumn is here – the speedo concept / pool party is likely to be put on hold until we hit spring again).

Will change the names / location so that the group and members of the group are not identified.

The afternoon went as follows…

Sorry guys, this is for members only.  It is only $5 to join and then you won’t see these annoying messages.

August 19th, 2023

Fucked by Brian, and Fucking His Brother

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I first saw Brian at my local pool a few months before the experience I’m about to describe to you.  It was just before closing time and out of the corner of my eye I saw Brian and one of the lifeguards headed in to the change rooms.  My gaydar isn’t very good, but something told me the two young men were about to do some naughty things in there.

Sounded like something I would be interested in.

In the showers I found Brian being blown by the lifeguard in the last shower stall.  They invited me to join and while the lifeguard blew us both, Brian and I made out and fingered each other.  I wrote about that experience on my blog which you can find if you are interested.

It was a one off and hasn’t happened again.  I see the lifeguard at the pool but haven’t seen Brian since.  Don’t worry, I did remember him, twenty-two years old, smooth swimmers build, tall and not an ounce of fat on his body.  I never got his name though.

Fast forward to last weekend.  Some friends of mine invited me down to the Gold Coast for the weekend.  Older couple that are friends.  They have a couple of units down there that they wanted to check on and their son was competing in the Surf Life Saving National Championships.  Sounded like an excuse to get out of town and I hadn’t been down to the Gold Coast in ages.

Saturday morning we cruise down to the coast, my friends give me the run of one of their units (they stay in another one right next door).

We spend the day hanging out, watching a little bit of the Life Saving competition and start drinking beers back at the apartment complex around 3pm.  My friends are hosting a BBQ and their sons will be joining us.  I’ve already been told that their older son Ian is gay and lives down the Gold Coast and their younger son Brian is competing and the finals are on Sunday morning.

Around 5pm Ian arrives and he is pretty cute and not too outwardly gay (I probably wouldn’t have known unless I had been told).  Half an hour later, the younger son arrives and I recognize him straight away.  It is Brian.  I am introduced to Brian who, from his eyes, recognizes me but we both pretend we are strangers meeting for the first time.  I am also introduced to Brian’s long term girlfriend, who is just as hot as he is.  Seriously, they could be in underwear commercials.

We all have a great night, some other people join us.  Brian and his girlfriend left first, they both were competing the next morning but the rest of us hung out until the wee hours of the morning.

The next day we all went down and watched Brian and his girlfriend in their competitions, holy cow there were some amazing bodies and a lot of guys in speedos (including Brian).  Things wrapped up around midday and the gay brother, Ian, invited me to come around for a pool party at his place.  My friends were going out to see some friends so sounded like a great way to spend the afternoon.  Ian walked me the two blocks from the unit to his rental house and on the way he told me that he is gay and some of his gay mates would be at the party, just making sure I was OK with it.  I told him I was OK with it but I didn’t want to tell him about my gay tendencies just yet (his parents have no idea).

Ian’s house was like a uni students house, I think there were four blokes living there and it was very cool.  There was some cricket on the TV which was out in the pool area.

After playing some back yard cricket (with a beer in hand most of the time) we headed to the pool.  Being the Aussie Speedo Guy, I had speedos on under my dork shorts but since I was a guest, I waited to see what the speedo tolerance level was.

I was pleasantly surprised that most of the guys were speedo’ing it up.  So I dropped my dork shorts revealing my new Addicted speedos which I have been loving lately (I’ve shared a bunch of my speedo selfies on my blog and social media).

It was these speedos that gave my identity away.  Walking out of the bathroom Ian blocked me in the hallway and asked me if I was Aussie Speedo Guy.  Perhaps it was the alcohol, but I didn’t really have a way out of this conversation so I admitted that yes, I am.  I asked Ian not to share that with anyone, particularly his parents.

Ian said he was fine to keep my secret, on the condition that I fucked him.

Sorry guys, the rest of this experience is going to be for members only.  If you’d like to join, it is only $5.

June 29th, 2022

2 Day Hangover

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Sunday was a cracker of day here on the coast, and I love Sunday’s because all the weekenders tend to go home early in the afternoon to beat traffic and sometimes the place feels like a bit of a ghost town.

Some friends of mine asked me to join them for Father Day lunch (what date is Fathers Day in North America? I know it is different).

It wasn’t too big a lunch but I had a few beers and walked home.  When I got home I noticed my landlord in the pool (wearing speedos of course) and he asked me to join him (in speedos of course).  I grab some beers and joined him.  A few more beers later and he turned on the barbie (bbq) and we had some burgers with the footy playing on the radio.

Once we had a bite to eat, he brought out some home brew alcohol that he brother had given him.  It was a Bourbon so we mixed it with coke and it tasted fine.  Maybe a little bit too fine.

Nothing naughty to report since the Landlords wife was there and she doesn’t know about his gay activities with me.  Click here to read about the first time I blew him.

It was a great night, lots of laughing but holy batman was I not feeling well on Monday morning!!!  I dragged myself out of bed about midday and walked down to the beach for a swim which felt a little bit better but then I spent the rest of the day/evening in bed being very unproductive.  Then on Tuesday I wasn’t hungover as such but just felt ‘blah’, unmotivated.  I tried twice to go for a lap swim but didn’t manage it.

Today I woke up feeling 100% and that is why I don’t drink like that very often, it feels too good to wake up feeling great.  Went for a swim this morning at the ocean pool, I just got back from a 10km run down south and I jumped in the pool and had a quick chat to the Landlord who said that he and his wife felt rotten as well.

Here is a selfie of me in the pool today.  I should tell you about the speedos I’m wearing, they are Q Swimwear brand, something that I know the Speedo Student loves.

Afternoon in the Pool

September 8th, 2021

Asian Speedo Party

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Lately I’ve noticed an uptick in the number of visitors to my sites (this blog and from Asian countries.  Twice a month I make up a report on the traffic on the sites and try and figure out what you guys like, and what you don’t like and part of that report is seeing where the visitors are from.

I’m pretty sure the reason for the uptick in asian visitors is a search engine algorithm update.

It has got me thinking I should put up some more movies and pics of Asian guys in speedos.  I think it is really hot.  Please leave a comment if you want to see more (or less) asian speedo guys?

I saw this pop up on my Twitter the other day.  I have no idea what country it is or what it says but it looks like something I would enjoy….

Asian Speedo PartyAsian Gay Speedo Party

August 3rd, 2021
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