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Twink Pool Party

July 14th, 2024
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During this week I have been talking with a long time fan online, he is an early twenties, gay guy in a committed gay relationship.  We’ll call him, Cam (not his real name for discretionary purposes but he is super excited for me to write about him on my blog).  Cam and his and his […]


Horny as Hell

June 30th, 2024
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Does anyone know why I am super horny when I am hungover?  Is there a reason?  Does this happen for anyone else? Wasn’t that big of a night, just watching footy with some mates but I enjoyed a sleep in this morning.  If I had to get up early I wouldn’t be feeling that good. […]


Gay Spin the Bottle

June 29th, 2024
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This movie was posted last month but there was an issue with the SSL (security certificate for the movie server).  This was an issue that Kip (my server admin) and I couldn’t replicate due to how we connect to the servers (the cloud if you want the new fancy word). It is fixed now but […]


My Favourites

June 28th, 2024
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The footy game I mentioned a couple of days ago turned in to a farce…. my team lost (by a lot), but  I didn’t have to strip down to my maroon speedos. It was a big night and didn’t get to bed until the wee hours of the morning, perhaps some adult drinks were consumed.  […]


Go the Maroons!!!

June 26th, 2024
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Tonight I will be wearing my AussieBum maroon coloured speedos, under my jeans…… There is a game of Rugby on tonight between my state (Queensland) and the neighbouring state to the south (New South Wales).  Bit of a grudge thing that happens every year in a 3 game series.  I have been invited down to […]


I’d Suck It

June 24th, 2024
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Bit of rain in the forecast this week so today I’m going to make the most of the sunshine and get to the beach.  Fingers crossed I run in to a guy like the blond pictured below…. I’m not really in to tattoos, but I think if I see a guy like this on the […]


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