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I’d Suck It

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Bit of rain in the forecast this week so today I’m going to make the most of the sunshine and get to the beach.  Fingers crossed I run in to a guy like the blond pictured below….

I’m not really in to tattoos, but I think if I see a guy like this on the beach I will make an exception.

Suckable Guy in Green Speedos

That exception will involve me making him look like this……

I'd Suck This Guys Cock

June 24th, 2024

Winter Solstice (in speedos)

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Yesterday was the Winter Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere, that is the shortest day of the year.  I was busy all day but this morning, I am spending the morning on the deck (with I was on someones dick) reading a book and working on my speedo tan.

While it is cold here (around 10C low), it is warming up to nearly the mid 20C’s so the days are beautiful.

I better get back to my book…. I think I might have a look on Grindr, see if I can find a big man that will let me sit on his dick.  Or a little man, who I can throw around and plow him with my dick.

Big Man in Speedos

June 23rd, 2024

Suns Out, Speedos are On

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For the last couple of weeks we have had a soaking rain here, this morning I woke up, looked out the window to see blue sky and not a single cloud.

This got me excited, I jumped out of bed, coffee pot on, speedos on, shorts on, quick email check and check the server logs to make sure everything is running nice and smooth, then I was out the door.

Just went for a little walk along my beach and had a swim.  The place had an upbeat, positive vibe now that the sun is out again.  The ocean water is a little dirty because of the rain but it was still nice.  These two weeks might be the longest time I have not been in the ocean for years.

Back in the office now, finishing up some work that I had to get finished and then I am going to grab my laptop, maybe an adult beverage and head down and spend some more time on the beach.

Anyone want to join me?

Red Speedo HandstandRed SpeedoRed Speedo Bum


March 28th, 2024

Blown and Fucked last Sunday

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I’ve finished writing about this experience and thought I would share it with you guys.

When I posted on Sunday afternoon that I was going to spend some time in the pool, with my Landlord and we would both be in speedos, didn’t I warn you what would happen?

It did happen.

I got down to the pool ten minutes late, I was late because I was telling you guys what I was about to get up to.  The Landlord had actually setup a forty inch TV by the pool for us to watch the afternoon footy game.  There was a middle aged couple, about The Landlord’s age, in the pool chatting with The Landlord.  The husband of the couple was wearing a speedo as well.  My horny little mind went in to over drive.  Unfortunately, no we didn’t have a three guy foursome.  The couple were renting a unit for the weekend and headed back to Brisbane after the first half of the footy.

The Landlord and I hadn’t fooled around since before Xmas.  I’ve mentioned on here before that summer holidays are a bit of a zoo on the coast.  He was looking bloody good in his navy AussieBum speedos.  I was wearing a pair of black lycra speedos.  Not the white, fuck me, speedos I wore to the beach the week before.  I had thought that we might not have the pool to ourselves so was a little conservative in my speedo selection.

We had a few beers watching the first half with the couple, then during half time, The Landlord brought out a bottle of bourbon…. lets get this party started.

Nobody else interrupted us but the pool is visible to most of the units so there wasn’t any funny business.  There was just the occasional brush of the hand and we both enjoyed the view when either of us had to get out of the pool for a drink top up or a bathroom break.  We both knew what was coming once the game finished.

Once the game was over (our team, the Brisbane Broncos lost) we started packing things up.  We both wrapped a towel around our waists and the TV was the last thing to carry back to The Landlord unit.

With the TV back in place, The Landlord ordered me to the couch.  He said that he has been craving some cock.

With the towel under my bum, I sat on his couch and spread my legs.

My Speedo Erection

My cock didn’t take much to get to full hardness.

The Landlord started working his tongue, and lips, up and down my cock.  I put my arms up on the back of the couch and threw my head back in pure enjoyment.  He slipped my cock out the leg of my speedo and started sucking on it.

Aussie summer, with a married, mostly straight Aussie bloke with my cock in his mouth.

It didn’t take me long for that first orgasm.  I warned him just before I came and he finished me off with his hand.  His fist was covered in my cum.

The Landlord indicated that he wanted to clean up and fuck me.  I begged him to let me blow him.  Earlier in the afternoon, The Landlord had let it slip that he had a four day load.  If I let him fuck me he wouldn’t last a minute, and unlike him, I love a mouthful of cum.

Reluctantly, The Landlord swapped places on the couch with me.

On my knees, with this Aussie mans legs spread open for me I slid my hands my his knees, up to his groin.  He hadn’t had a chance to clean his hands of my load of cum and he wiped my load on the left side of my neck and cheek, and then in to my hair as he pulled me head towards his crotch.

I was licking, and then lightly biting his cock through the material of his speedo.  The Landlord was super horny and didn’t want to play along with my teasing.  He ripped at the white drawstring on his speedos, releasing the elastic waist.  Taking the hint, I pulled the waist band down releasing his fat, hard cock.  With his cummy hand on my head, I was shoved down on his cock which was rammed in to the back of my mouth.  I wrapped my lips around the shaft of his cock and started sucking.

The Landlord’s hips were thrusting and he was moaning pretty loudly.  It wasn’t long until his hips thrust up, his thighs started shaking and I I felt the first explosion of warm, sticky cum shoot out the end of his cock.  I gulped it down.  And the next shot, and the two main shots after that.

My mouth was maintaining sucking on his cock as the spasms slowly subsided.

When The Landlord finally relaxed and breathed out, I licked the last of his four day load from the tip of his cock.  I sat up on my knees, hands on his thighs and we joked about how much he needed that.

While he washed my cum from his hand (it was on my cheek and in my hair), I poured us another Bourbon.  Two drinks later, we were horny again and this time, I let The Landlord fuck me.  He lasted a little bit longer and I came while he was inside me.

March 21st, 2024

Beach Day/Morning

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I woke up this morning and it was a spectacular day.  It has been a little bit windy here over the last couple of months.

Instead of my morning coffee and walk, I got the most important work done (emails to members) and by 10am I was ready for the beach.

If only I had some company…..

Beach Speedos

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November 17th, 2023

Horny Weekend

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I had a fantastic weekend.  It is starting to feel like summer here in Australia, the weather is warming up and people are getting out to the beach.

Let me give you a little bit of a run down on my weekend, yes, I will share all the naughty details and some speedo selfies of me.

Saturday morning I was in the office working, which I love.  Around lunch I headed to the beach for a swim. The beach was the busiest I have seen it so far this summer.  Couple of guys were wearing speedos, like I was.  I had a beer, called some friends, had a dip and a couple of hours later headed home.  Some friends of mine came over for a bbq by my pool which was a hoot.  This is the first real BBQ for the summer and I can’t wait for more.  No, we didn’t put ‘shrimp on the barbie’.  It ended up being a late night and we all drank a little bit too much.

A couple of my friends had slept over and they were leaving just as I woke up.  We were all a little bit dusty so just wanted to go our own ways and recuperate after a great night.

I thought I’d begin my recuperation at the beach.  Throwing on a pair of classic beach speedos, I headed out.  At the beach I found a nice quiet spot to chill out and let my head stop throbbing.

Speedo Beach DaySpeedo Bum

I don’t know about you guys, but when I am hungover, I get SUPER HORNY.  So, I pulled out my mobile and started hunting for someone to have some fun with.

Didn’t take long and I ended up talking with Alex.  Alex is late twenties, looks great in a speedo, his family own a holiday unit which is less than one hundred meters from where I live.  Growing up Alex was a life guard and loves wearing speedos.  Alex invited me over to his place for some fun.  I packed up my things and walked up to the building where his families unit/apartment is.  In the elevator on the way up, I got a quick speedo selfie.

Summer StripSpeedo Strip

Once outside Alex’s front door, I threw the shorts in my backpack.  Alex opened the door wearing a pair of black speedos, and nothing else.

Sorry guys, I’m going to keep the rest of this for members only.  I feel like I care share more intimate details if they are kept behind the membership wall.  And it is for Alex’s discretion as well.

If you would like to join, it is only $5.  Lots of full length movies as well as all of my naughty speedo experiences.  Click here to join now.  If you have any questions about becoming a member, drop me an email:

Alex lo0ked just as hot as he did in the photos he had sent me.  The bulge in the front of Alex’s speedo told me he was good to go.  Once the door was closed behind me, we attacked each other.  Out tongues started wrestling and our hands began exploring each other.  My cock came to life quickly enough and we were both thrusting and rubbing our lycra covered cocks against each other.  It was really hot.

I broke off our kissing as asked Alex, mouth or butt?  Alex asked for mouth first.  So, I pushed him down on the couch and got on my knees between his legs.

October 24th, 2023
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