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Winter Solstice (in speedos)

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Yesterday was the Winter Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere, that is the shortest day of the year.  I was busy all day but this morning, I am spending the morning on the deck (with I was on someones dick) reading a book and working on my speedo tan.

While it is cold here (around 10C low), it is warming up to nearly the mid 20C’s so the days are beautiful.

I better get back to my book…. I think I might have a look on Grindr, see if I can find a big man that will let me sit on his dick.  Or a little man, who I can throw around and plow him with my dick.

Big Man in Speedos

June 23rd, 2024

Speedo Beach Cuties

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Over the last couple of week I have shared some pretty amazing experiences that I have had recently.

I do have to admit though…. it isn’t always speedos and blowjob in public places.

Bit of grey weather about, has been super windy as well, so I have been stuck in the office a bit the last week.  The pool I swim at is out of the wind so I have been at the pool every day though.

Fingers crossed for some good weather at some point, so I can get the beach like these guys.

Beach BoysTanning in Black SpeedosSpeedo Beach Boy

March 14th, 2024

Speedo Tan…. Complete

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Today I had a fantastic day on the beach and I think my speedo tan is complete…..

I don’t think I have ever had such a great speedo tan but right now, I think it is just perfect.

All the time I have been spending at the pool and at the beach has just been fantastic and not something I have been able to do for this long before.  I am stoked!!!

Here are some pics of me finishing off my speedo tan, in my new Addicted speedos.

You can’t see the pics?  Sorry, I am going to make my blog members only this month.

I have had a bunch of new members over the last couple of weeks and I feel like I should be thanking them for supporting me.  It is only $5.

I created the members only area so that I could share more of my selfies and share more of my experiences that I don’t really want to be 100% public.  Since then, I have received a group of fantastic guys who are members and I really appreciate their support.

If you don’t like it, there is lots of free porn out there… enjoy those pop ups (I don’t have any shitty ads on my blog).  Check back in July, I’ll decide then if I want to keep this members only or share a little bit with the public.

If you are a member and reading this, click here to sign in and see my speedo selfies from today.

June 1st, 2023

Sunday Speedo Tan Session

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Finally the darn school holidays are over and I get the beach and pool back to myself.  The joys of living in a beach town means that during holidays, it becomes a bit of a zoo.

Sunday was the last day and after a late night (I might have had a couple of drinks too many) I decided to spend the day on my deck working on my speedo tan.

I couldn’t decide which speedo to wear….

(of course, members get to see the full size images, and some pics of me jerking off).

April 17th, 2023

Day Working on my Speedo Tan

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I’m just back from the beach after working on my speedo tan for a few hours.  Nothing too exciting to report.

Last week I spoke about hooking up with a guy at the local pool, actually it was two weeks ago.  Click here to read that blog post.  I haven’t seen Matt at the pool since I saw him those two days in a row when we got up to some hanky-panky in the showers.

This morning, I had to drive down to the grocery store (usually I walk everywhere but had some heavy things to pick up).  I noticed this cute guy, from behind, walking with his girlfriend (I assumed so since they were hand in hand walking down towards the beach).  He was shirtless and had a nice back and dork shorts on.  As I drove past, I noticed it was Matt…. and his girlfriend?

That wasn’t something he mentioned when I had my cock inside him…..

We never even exchanged phone numbers so I guess I’ll just have to be at the pool at our usual time.  I can’t wait to find out what his story is.

Tanning in SpeedosdSpeedo Tan

October 30th, 2022

Suns Out, Speedos Are On

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Finally, the sun is out here in the Sunshine State.

The weather this year has been miserable and I’m sorry I keep mentioning it here.  I find the weather effects my level of horniness though so it is important when it comes to this blog.

If it is cold and grey and I’m stuck inside then I’m not exercising so I feel fat, no need to keep on top of personal grooming and while I don’t get depressed, I’m not out there smashing it.

When the sun is out, like today, I’m up early, I’m at the pool, I’m walking around, I’m making sure everything is shaved (hehe) and since I’m walking around the house in speedos, I’m hornier.  Right now, I’ve packed my new laptop and I’m going for a quick drive up the coast to one of the quiet beaches to work on my speedo tan and see if there are any other guys excited to be outside in the sun again.

My latest news…. my laptop died earlier in the week so I had to scramble to get a new one.  I was without a laptop for 24 hours which was really weird.  Now that I replaced it, takes me forever to get everything setup again and anytime I go to do something, I have to install new software or look up passwords so things just take a lot longer but I feel like I’m just about back on top of it.  I had to order a hard drive caddie (something that connects an old hard drive to a USB cable) which won’t arrived until next week so there are still some things that I’m delayed on.

At the beach today I will be writing about my weekend at the Surf Life Saving Championships.

That will of course get me horny.  I have told a guy from Grindr where I will be so maybe he can help me with my horniness.  He said I could share these pics of him publicly.

Speedo DadSpeedo Daddy

I’ve packed condoms and lube just in case we run in to each other…..

I am wearing my new white Addicted speedos so if you are on the Sunshine Coast and see a guy with a laptop wearing white speedos, I think I’ll have a beer as well, come and say hello.

May 27th, 2022
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