Quick thank you to all the new members. I decided to make the blog Members Only on Sunday night and it is Tuesday lunch time here and so far the support has outweighed the complainers.
I really love chatting and getting feedback from members so please, drop me an email anytime.
New Movie of the Week for you guys today. It is one of my older movies but one of my favourites. It is a movie that is part of my personal collection and when I’m having some ‘alone time’ this is one of my go-to speedo porn movies. I was recently on my knees sucking off two guys in speedos as well so this feels like an appropriate movie.
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The latest Movie of the Week has taken a little bit longer to publish than I expected… I have been busy writing about my new Sex Students (click here to read about that). However, I think the wait for the update has been worth it as this movie is pretty darn hot.
It actually reminds me of some of my first sexual experiences. Summer time here in Australia, going to friends houses hanging out in the pool all day.
Then things could start to get a little bit naughty, some light touching….
Finally someone would get horny enough that they would make a move…..
And for me, those experiences usually ended up with us sucking each other off.
For me, it would be years before I tried anal sex (why did I wait???). But for members who can view the full length version of this movie, you get nice pretty nice anal footage in this movie.
Hope it was worth the wait guys and I am already looking for the next Movie of the Week so it will be delivered on time.
And, if the sample clip isn’t enough, you can become a member for $5. Click here to join now.
Previous Movies of the Week