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Speedo Fuckfest Road Trip

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I have been flat out busy lately, apologies for the lack of blog posts.  Things are getting back to normal now, mostly ‘life’ stuff that is far too boring for me to share here.

Something I do need to share with you guys is that I am on a Speedo Fuckfest Road Trip!!!

Just a drive down the coast towards Sydney (I won’t make it all the way to Sydney).

My first night was on the Gold Coast (I haven’t been down there in over a year).  I stayed at an old hotel which I am familiar with and it has a few hottubs and a sauna and steam room.  The hottubs were not very hot but the sauna was lovely.  Just what I needed.

While I was enjoying my soak, one of the older full time residents/owners joined me.  He liked my new Rikey speedos, I told him I was excited to ‘christen’ them.  After getting all sweaty in the sauna, we went up to his unit and he topped the shit out of me!!!  He came while fucking me, I came while he fucked me.

Today I have a 5hr drive south to Port Macquarie.  My butt is a little sore so might have to find a bottom to destroy tonight.  Anyone down that way?

I better hit the road, more updates to follow.

Speedo selfie below is me on my way down to the sauna, do you like those new speedos?

Speedo Elevator Selfie

May 31st, 2024

Ultimate Beach Fuck

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Do I have some amazing speedo porn for you guys today!!!

My last random speedo hookup was at the beach, I wrote about it and you can read it here.

Correction: I forgot about the blowjob I got from the random cutie in the pool change rooms, you can click here to read about that experience.

This is a video filmed by one of my European online friends who has allowed me to share this video with you guys (well, members only since he has his own pay site and I have to pay him per view for the video).

It is amazingly hot!!!  I love how while he is riding cock bareback, he is looking around to see if they are going to get caught.


If this doesn’t turn you on…. I don’t know what will.  I’m going to watch this again myself and I’ll be ruining the speedos I am wearing.

May 3rd, 2024

Dad Gets a Holiday Release

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How was everyone’s Easter?  Bit of a zoo here on the coast with all the holiday makers.  The weather was pretty good though so bit of speedo time at the beach.  I have been impressed with the number of speedos I am seeing out and about, feels like each year there are a few more guys dropping the dork shorts.

I don’t have anything naughty to report, but last year I did get a hookup during the holidays with a horny Dad who just wanted a break from his family.

Here is what happened…..

Last Friday I had an interesting hookup I would like to share with you guys.

It was the last week of the school holidays, which I hate because town is a zoo with tourists.  The beach and paths are busy, so I usually end up working a lot more and spending time cocooned up in my unit.  These holidays the lap pool hasn’t been busy which has been good.  Back to Friday, I had just got back from the pool, I am walking around the house in my speedo feeling a little horny and I flip on my gay hookup app.

The usual dozen messages of guys with blank profiles saying “Hey”, once they were deleted, I started browsing.

There was a new face on there, early forties, pic of him wearing a speedo at the beach with a woman in a bikini (faces not blurred), not a lot of details but the info said “Visiting on holidays with family, need a discrete release.”  My kind of guy.

I sent him a message saying I would love to help him out, mentioned what street I live on.  Within seconds he replied back.

The Dad (I’ll refer to him as that) said that he was up from Sydney on holidays with his wife, two kids and his mother-in-law and he was going nuts.  The unit they were staying in was tiny and the wife hadn’t given him any form of sexual release, as a result, he was super horny and on a gay hookup app.  He said the timing was perfect because he had planned to go for a Friday afternoon game of golf, but fucking me sounded like a much better game.

I shared my address with him (he was staying very close) and he said he would be over in thirty minutes.  He asked if I had any requests, I told him I had condoms/lube, but I would love it if he wore a speedo.  He said no probs.

Thirty minutes later, there was a knock at my door.

I answered the door wearing a pair of my new speedos (yes, I have selfies you can see) and nothing else.  The Dad’s eyes went straight to my crotch which was stretching the lycra and had a dollop of precum which has caused a bit of a wet patch.  My eyes were greeted by a stocky, but fit, early forties guy with slightly greying hair wearing very typical golf attire.

We shook hands and The Dad’s left hand shook hands with my cock and balls.  He said that this was going to be way more fun than golfing.

I turned my back walking in to my unit where I had setup all the sex tools in the lounge room.  Behind me I heard The Dad undoing his belt and removing his clothes.  When I turned around there he was in all his glory, wearing a tiny classic black speedo, his cock was already starting to stretch the black lycra.  I told The Dad to have a seat while I went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of beers.  The Dad told me that his wife had questioned him when he put on his speedo to go to golf, he had brushed it off telling her he would swing by the pool if the golf course was too busy.  Just imagine if he has told her the truth?

Returning to the living room, The Dad had made himself comfortable in the middle of the couch.  His arms were outstretched and his legs were spread.  He looked pretty comfortable, I thought to myself this might be something he does on a regular basis.

Speedo Dad

I handed The Dad a beer and I got on my knees in front of him.  We weren’t in any rush (it takes two hours to play half a round of golf), so I started by sliding my hands up the inside of his muscular thighs, all the way up until I stopped, just short of the lycra of his speedo.  He was fully erect by this this stage.  After rubbing his thighs I started stroking his cock through that lycra.  My right hand sliding up and down his shaft, my left rubbing his balls and sliding even lower to that little gap between balls and arsehole.

The Dad finally spoke up and told me that if I kept that up, he would have a hard time explaining to his wife why he dumped his five day load of cum in his speedo.

I took the hint, pulled the let of his speedo out (it was tight from holding in his engorged cock) and his manhood sprung out of the speedo like a greyhound at the track.  Wow, he had a great cock.  Fat, not super long, cut and he was shaved.  Just the kind of cock that I love to worship.

I took him in my mouth and went to work.  Immediately, The Dad started moaning,  The head of his cock was wet with precum which was a little sample of what I was in store for.

With both The Dad and I being so horny, it was the perfect storm for a quick first orgasm.  I was ferociously sucking his cock and he was polite enough to warn me when he was close.  From his moaning, it was pretty easy to guess he was getting there.  One last moan, his hips lifted off the couch and the tip of his cock exploded.  I had my tongue right on the tip and felt the power of his orgasm.  Without hesitation I swallowed it all.

Breathing through my nose, I kept my mouth on his cock until I detected the first hints of it softening.  I ran my thumb up the length of his shaft, squeezing the last drop of cum.  Then, looking up at him, I licked it up.

I tucked his fat cock back in to his speedo then pushing against his knees, I stood up.  My knees hurt a little bit, mental note to kneel on a pillow next time.  I flopped down on the couch next to him and reached for my beer.  The Dad thanked me and said he would get me a cold beer since I had been too thirty for cock to have opened it ten minutes before.  The view of The Dad’s butt walking across my living room was pretty hot.

The Dad returned with fresh beers and sat next to me on the couch, our thighs touching.  Very casually, his right hand went to my knee, then slid up to my crotch and started rubbing.  It was so casual, felt like something a long time couple would do.

I asked The Dad if hooking up with random guys is something he does often?

He told me that usually not at all, he said that sex life with the wife was pretty good so he didn’t need to.  The only time he would go looking for a hookup was when he was travelling for work, he said hooking up with a guy while on a family holiday was a first for him.

I asked if his wife had any idea of his gay tendencies?  He said that he had brought it up at different times and she wasn’t interested at all.  However, he said that his wife had some bisexual tendencies and she had brought a woman in to the marital bed on a few occasions.  Alas, The Dad would have preferred she invited a guy.

Over the next half hour, and three beers, he questioned me about my sex life.  I am always happy to share and be open and listening to some of my experiences started to arouse some life in that fat cock of his.  I started describing to him what our next position was going to be and that had him back to fully hard.

I stood up and went for the condoms and lube, The Dad undid the drawstring of his speedo and flopped his cock and balls out above the waist band.

Back on my knees, I put the condom on him and as I unrolled it down the length of his shaft he moaned in pleasure.  He said that he has always loved that feeling of someone putting a condom on him.  I used LOTS of lube and spend a couple of minutes sliding my hand up and down his cock which really was rock hard.

A quick wipe of my hands and I told The Dad that there was one thing he had to do for me, I turned around, bent over, pulled the bottom of my speedo aside to reveal the little black butt plug that I had been wearing.  He laughed and said that I really was a dirty little slut.  Slowly, he pulled on the butt plug and as I relaxed, it popped out.  The Dad commented that it didn’t seem possible that my tight little hole would be able to take his cock.

I was about to prove him wrong there.

Facing The Dad, I straddled him.  His cock was straight up like a flag pole and with a little bit of maneuvering, I managed to pull my speedo aside, line him up and I had the tip of his cock lightly pressing against my opening.

The butt plug had loosened me up a little bit, and I have taken bigger cocks, but this wasn’t an insignificant undertaking, I would have to take it a little slow.

With my hands on his shoulders, his hands on my hips, I started pocking the head of his cock inside me.  Down, taking the bulbous head of his cock, then up and it pops out.  Had he not been so hard we might have lost our alignment but so far, so good.  After half a dozen little anal stretches, I felt like I was ready and I told The Dad.

I lowered my head, a little unsure if he would go for it, and started kissing him.  He reciprocated and opened his mouth and our tongues started lashing at each other.

And I started lowering myself, bit by bit, being impaled by his fat cock.  I moaned in to his mouth and as I took the last inch of him, my butt cheeks came to rest on his thighs and he was completely inside me.  I broke off our kiss and threw my head back with a moan of pleasure, and a little bit of pain.

Gay Anal Sex

I remember The Dad complimenting me, saying that I am amazing.

Then I started riding him.

Sorry guys. gotta keep the rest of this for members only.  I am sharing some very personal things which I’m not sure I want to be quite 100% public.  Joining costs only $5 and with a new movie of the week in a few days, these two blog posts are well worth the $5 alone.  If you have any questions about joining, drop me an email.

Otherwise, you can click here to become a member right now and you won’t see messages like this one.

April 1st, 2024

Bit Horny This Morning

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Beautiful Saturday morning here on the coast.  Was up early, went for my morning coffee, walk along the beach and a quick swim.

Getting back home I have a bunch of work to do today so settled in to beginning that.

Any suggestions what I could do with this?

Morning Speedo Erection

October 28th, 2023

Horny Weekend

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I had a fantastic weekend.  It is starting to feel like summer here in Australia, the weather is warming up and people are getting out to the beach.

Let me give you a little bit of a run down on my weekend, yes, I will share all the naughty details and some speedo selfies of me.

Saturday morning I was in the office working, which I love.  Around lunch I headed to the beach for a swim. The beach was the busiest I have seen it so far this summer.  Couple of guys were wearing speedos, like I was.  I had a beer, called some friends, had a dip and a couple of hours later headed home.  Some friends of mine came over for a bbq by my pool which was a hoot.  This is the first real BBQ for the summer and I can’t wait for more.  No, we didn’t put ‘shrimp on the barbie’.  It ended up being a late night and we all drank a little bit too much.

A couple of my friends had slept over and they were leaving just as I woke up.  We were all a little bit dusty so just wanted to go our own ways and recuperate after a great night.

I thought I’d begin my recuperation at the beach.  Throwing on a pair of classic beach speedos, I headed out.  At the beach I found a nice quiet spot to chill out and let my head stop throbbing.

Speedo Beach DaySpeedo Bum

I don’t know about you guys, but when I am hungover, I get SUPER HORNY.  So, I pulled out my mobile and started hunting for someone to have some fun with.

Didn’t take long and I ended up talking with Alex.  Alex is late twenties, looks great in a speedo, his family own a holiday unit which is less than one hundred meters from where I live.  Growing up Alex was a life guard and loves wearing speedos.  Alex invited me over to his place for some fun.  I packed up my things and walked up to the building where his families unit/apartment is.  In the elevator on the way up, I got a quick speedo selfie.

Summer StripSpeedo Strip

Once outside Alex’s front door, I threw the shorts in my backpack.  Alex opened the door wearing a pair of black speedos, and nothing else.

Sorry guys, I’m going to keep the rest of this for members only.  I feel like I care share more intimate details if they are kept behind the membership wall.  And it is for Alex’s discretion as well.

If you would like to join, it is only $5.  Lots of full length movies as well as all of my naughty speedo experiences.  Click here to join now.  If you have any questions about becoming a member, drop me an email:

Alex lo0ked just as hot as he did in the photos he had sent me.  The bulge in the front of Alex’s speedo told me he was good to go.  Once the door was closed behind me, we attacked each other.  Out tongues started wrestling and our hands began exploring each other.  My cock came to life quickly enough and we were both thrusting and rubbing our lycra covered cocks against each other.  It was really hot.

I broke off our kissing as asked Alex, mouth or butt?  Alex asked for mouth first.  So, I pushed him down on the couch and got on my knees between his legs.

October 24th, 2023

He Can Grindr Me

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One of my cheesy pick up lines (to women) is when I am out partying and if I see a chick on her phone, I tell her that if she sees my face, to swipe right…. joking that she is on Tinder.

I haven’t gotten laid or a girlfriend out of the pickup line but I usually get a smile.

If I saw this guy at the beach I wonder if I would have the courage to use that pick up line?

ADIDAS Speedo Grindr Guy

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September 1st, 2023
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