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Speedo Fuckfest Road Trip

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I have been flat out busy lately, apologies for the lack of blog posts.  Things are getting back to normal now, mostly ‘life’ stuff that is far too boring for me to share here.

Something I do need to share with you guys is that I am on a Speedo Fuckfest Road Trip!!!

Just a drive down the coast towards Sydney (I won’t make it all the way to Sydney).

My first night was on the Gold Coast (I haven’t been down there in over a year).  I stayed at an old hotel which I am familiar with and it has a few hottubs and a sauna and steam room.  The hottubs were not very hot but the sauna was lovely.  Just what I needed.

While I was enjoying my soak, one of the older full time residents/owners joined me.  He liked my new Rikey speedos, I told him I was excited to ‘christen’ them.  After getting all sweaty in the sauna, we went up to his unit and he topped the shit out of me!!!  He came while fucking me, I came while he fucked me.

Today I have a 5hr drive south to Port Macquarie.  My butt is a little sore so might have to find a bottom to destroy tonight.  Anyone down that way?

I better hit the road, more updates to follow.

Speedo selfie below is me on my way down to the sauna, do you like those new speedos?

Speedo Elevator Selfie

May 31st, 2024

Red Speedo Perfection

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Look who spent the weekend hanging out on the Gold Coast in his tight little red speedos?

That’s right, it is S.  Don’t know who that is?  Click here to read about when we last caught up on the beach.  Every time I see a photo of S it motivates me to get out do more exercise, I’d love to have a tummy like his!!!

Gold Coast Speedo Guy

I did just realise that I haven’t shared with you guys some more pics of S.  He gave me permission to share these with you guys.  Full pics available to members.  And if you members would like S’s Twitter or OnlyFans address drop me an email.

May 28th, 2023

I was their first

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I’m writing this to you guys from the 10th floor overlooking the ocean and if the world was flat (as some believe) I reckon I could see the edge from here.

Last night with Rachel and Taz was awesome, like catching up with old friends (old friends you’ve had crazy bisex with). It was much easier and more relaxed than last time we hung out when everyone was super horny and nervous.

I will share with you guys in detail what we got up to in a day or two, but I’ll quickly share with you how things started.

Rachel and Taz were already at the unit when I arrived which was just before sunset.  It was a perfect afternoon and we sat on the deck and had a few drinks.  It was very PG rated and just like normal (non-sexual) friends catching up after not seeing each other for a while but still kinda in touch online.

It did get a little cool on the balcony once the sun set so the suggestion was made that we go down to the spa.

We poured fresh drinks and headed down.

The Gold Coast is quieter than I have ever seen it with all our state borders closed and we were a little surprised that there were two people in the spa/hottub when we got down there.  Taz was wearing the AussieBum speedos I requested and I was wearing my AussieBum Portseas, Rachel was wearing a pretty tiny Victoria Secret bikini that wasn’t quite a g-string/thong, but was getting close.

Click here to see what my AussieBums look like (bunch of my speedo selfies).

We said hello to the other couple in the hottub and chatted a little bit.

After a bit the couple left and the husband was wearing a black speedo.  Pretty cool, three random guys in a spa and all three wearing speedos.  I like this trend.

Rachel told us that the woman in the couple knew exactly what the three of us were up to.  Call it womans intuition because I didn’t notice anything but she said the woman winked at her when she left.  Hahaha.  I think that is pretty funny.

From there, the conversation turned to sex.

I was their first extra guy, but they had a girl join them before me.  They had also had a threesome with a guy not long after our first one (click here to read about it – it is really hot).  So I asked if they had been having any more experiences?

Of course, the lockdowns had thwarted a few hookups they had planed, and they have had some holidays cancelled which they were hoping might result in some naughty action.  So aside from that, they told me they are having extra people in their bed about once a month!!!

[Holy cow!!!

These new-virgin swingers are now sexperts!!!

Sitting in the hottub I was getting horny with thoughts of what they would teach me later that night.

Well guys, I’m going to get up and make everyone breakfast.  We will need our energy if we repeat what we got up to last night.

August 14th, 2021

Weekend Threesome

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It has been ages since I’ve had sex with a woman….

I just went through the archives (I suppose this blog is a bit of a diary of my life) and it was last November, ten months ago when I was joining my new neighbours for some threesome fun.  I still see them every week but they started trying to have a baby so we stopped having threesomes.  They are pregnant now, I wonder if once the baby comes we’ll get back to some threesome fun?

Funny how you can have some very intimate times with people and then be able to go back to just being normal friends.  I like that.

So it was two years ago now (wow how time flies) that I was living down near Sydney and received a fan email.  It was from a young couple, the email was from the young wife.  They had read about some of my bisexual threesome experiences and had joined my site  After reading about a threesome I had in Vegas she emailed me asking if I’d be interested in having a threesome with her and her husband?

Of course I would love to.

They live in Brisbane and his or her parents have a holiday unit on the Gold Coast and they AirBNB’d it to me for a week.  They were fantastic hosts and I gave them 5 stars.

After a great week we lost touch a little bit, the state borders here have been locked and unlocked so we didn’t get a chance to become friends like I think we would have.

Thankfully, last week Rachel (the wife) emailed me again and asked me if I’d like to spend a weekend down at the unit with them.

Of course I would love to.

My car is all packed and I thought I’d quickly write this blog post for you guys before I start the 2 hour drive south.

The one request I made was that Taz (husband) wears the speedos he is wearing in the picture below.  They are the exact same ones that the Married Guy was wearing when I met him.

Taz's AussieBum Speedos

If you’d like to read some of the history between Taz, Rachel and myself click here (most of it is for members only, gotta keep things a little bit discrete).

August 13th, 2021

Amazing Night

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Last night was amazing!!!

Taz and Rachel were fun, super hot and Taz woke up this morning no long a gay virgin.

Bit of a rainy day here on the Gold Coast so hopefully I’ll get to write some details about it (they both want me to write about it and share it).

First Bisexual Experience

November 1st, 2019

Bisexual Virgin

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On Monday I arrived on the Gold Coast after a ten hour drive.  I’m staying at Main Beach which is somewhere I’m familiar with having grown up on the coast.

Why am I here?

Back in September I received an email from some members/fans…. the email read:


My fiance, Taz, is a huge fan of yours and after he introduced me to your blog and other websites I’ve become a fan as well.

We both vicariously enjoy your sexual adventures and are long time members.

Your trip to Vegas with Penny and Pat was amazingly hot and sounded like a hot experience for all involved.  It is something we would love to be a part of which is why I’m writing this to you.

For my birthday earlier this year, Taz arranged for a girl to join us, more particularly for a girl to join me which was a first for me and very enjoyable.

Taz’s birthday is coming up at the end of October and I was hoping to get him something just as special… I’d like to give him you for a night.

Let me tell you a little about ourselves…. (I’ve edited this out for the time being for privacy reasons).

Please reply if you are interested, or if you aren’t interested I completely understand.


I’m staying at Rachel and Taz’s parents unit at Main Beach (they AirBNB it so are used to people staying there).  I haven’t met them yet but will be tonight (Thursday) when the fun is set to begin.

Click here to read about the Vegas threesome she mentioned in that email.

Click here if you’d like to see the gallery of Rachel and Taz in their swimwear.

Bisexual Couple

October 31st, 2019
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