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I am alive….

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Holy cow it has been 8 days since I last posted on here, that has to be a record since I started this blog back in May 2005.

Thank you for the emails of concern… I did have to head up to the Gold Coast for a family funeral and spent a few days up there but the main restraint on my blog posting has been a huge server upgrade which has had Kip and I working a lot more than usual and I think we both work a fair bit to start with.

All day today (like 14 hours) I have been working on the Speedo Forum.  I’ve been wanting to update the forum for a while and the server change over gave me the opportunity although it has been a bunch of work.  If you haven’t seen it check it out  It is a great bunch of guys and I think the updates are really awesome.  To be honest I’m proud of the work that Kip and I did on it.

The forum is free, if you join you just have to email me your username so I can activate your account (required to keep the spam off it).

Couple of hot pics for you guys:

Firstly, has anyone ever seen these Aussie flag speedos before?  I haven’t but I like them…. I also like the body that they are on.

Aussie Speedo

Secondly, AussieBum had a sale the other week and I thought about buying these.  I’m not a fan of the AussieBum lycra speedos, they just never seem to fit quite right but these look pretty darn hot.  Unfortunately, they are out of stock so I didn’t get any.  If anyone from AussieBum is reading this and would like to send me a pair, that would be very nice.

Lycra AussieBum Speedo

OK, I think I’m going to pour myself a bourbon and coke and let my eyes readjust after a long day in front of the screen.

August 16th, 2017

Chicks in Speedo Campaigns

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Someone over on the mentioned this new Aussie speedo brand called Corka.  From the pics it looks like it is on the Gold Coast but I’m not 100% sure.

I checked out their website and it was great to see that they feature some female models with the speedo models.  The more the better I say.

I’ll keep an eye on their site and post any more pics if they come along.  If anyone from Corka would like me to test their new speedos I’d be more than happy to.

Couple in SpeedosCouple in SwimsuitsSwimsuit CoupleHot couple in swimsuitsBeach Couple in Skimpy Swimsuits

May 30th, 2015

Red Speedo Hottie

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I don’t own a red speedo these days but when I leave the US for where ever it is that I decide to move to in May I’ll be picking up a red speedo for sure.

Right now I have no idea about where I’ll live and to be honest I haven’t really given it any thought – the main thing was to get back here for the rest of the winter. I suppose it is something I’ll have to start thinking about. Heading back to Queenstown is one option and the US dollar is nice and strong against the Kiwi peso which would make things cheap. But also heading back to Aussie, either the Gold Coast or the Central Coast is something that I am thinking more and more about.

Anyways, back to the post at hand. This guy is wearing a red speedo solar and I think he is perfect. How can you fault the body on this first guy!!!

It is actually kind of motivating to tell you the truth. I want a body like that. I might make him my windows background.

Guy wearing red speedo
Red speedo

February 24th, 2009
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