Someone over on the mentioned this new Aussie speedo brand called Corka. From the pics it looks like it is on the Gold Coast but I’m not 100% sure.
I checked out their website and it was great to see that they feature some female models with the speedo models. The more the better I say.
I’ll keep an eye on their site and post any more pics if they come along. If anyone from Corka would like me to test their new speedos I’d be more than happy to.
I just received two new Corka suits and a T-shirt. Fit very nice and promptly shipped to the US. I love the colors–one is purple and the other is grey. Great fit.
I also found another Aussie brand called Sluggers. Also another great fit. These are unique in that they built in some extra room in the front, and a bit less in the back, if you are a bit flat and not the perfect bubble butt. 🙂
The inside lining is awesome, as it only extends halfway down the front panel. The part where your junk goes is unlined. Looks and feels great.
I have a few pair of Aussiebums Wonder Jock, my favorite being a pair of loose Portseas. I love that look like I’m wearing a cockring, but after a few hours, I feel uncomfortable.
I’m completely with you mate. I don’t really like that AussieBum ‘enhancement’ thing. It looks great but I can’t wear them all day and it is a pain to take a leak in them.
Are those Corka speedo lycra or nylon?
Both the Corka and the Sluggers are lycra.