Suns Out, Speedos are On

For the last couple of weeks we have had a soaking rain here, this morning I woke up, looked out the window to see blue sky and not a single cloud.

This got me excited, I jumped out of bed, coffee pot on, speedos on, shorts on, quick email check and check the server logs to make sure everything is running nice and smooth, then I was out the door.

Just went for a little walk along my beach and had a swim.  The place had an upbeat, positive vibe now that the sun is out again.  The ocean water is a little dirty because of the rain but it was still nice.  These two weeks might be the longest time I have not been in the ocean for years.

Back in the office now, finishing up some work that I had to get finished and then I am going to grab my laptop, maybe an adult beverage and head down and spend some more time on the beach.

Anyone want to join me?

Red Speedo HandstandRed SpeedoRed Speedo Bum


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