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Members Only Week

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There have been a bunch of new members over the last few weeks and as a bit of a ‘thanks’ to those guys, and the guys who have supported this blog over the years I’m going to make this week members only.

The second reason is that I will be sharing two of my recent speedo experience which I don’t want to be 100% public.

The final reason is that I have two amateur photo galleries featuring regular Aussie blokes who look fantastic in their speedos and they have given me permission to share their speedo pics, but again, not 100% public.

If anyone would like to join using PayPal please email me ( and if you don’t want to join, see you next week.

Aussie Speedo Guy

July 11th, 2022

Busy Little Bee

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Holy batman, it has been nearly two weeks since I last posted.

Thank you for the emails and messages of concern, it is really sweet to know you guys miss me.

I don’t go this long without posting but I suppose it does show that it is a real person who writes this blog and sometimes, life just gets busy.

Two things have taken up my time.

  1. I got a last minute invitation to a mates bucks party that was down in Melbourne.  That was a big weekend.  Then there was some flooding here in Queensland so I couldn’t get home (train service was offline for two days so I couldn’t get up to my place from the airport).
  2. My darn car has died.  So I’ve been running around trying to figure that out, buy a new car, had to rent a car for a few days just to get life stuff done.

Not making excuses, just letting you guys know what has been taking up my time instead of blogging.

The weather has pretty rotten here which means less speedo time which in turn means I’m not as horny as usual.  Funny thing, when I wear speedos more, I get more horny.  Anyone else find this?

Sunday morning here and I’m having coffee in bed and writing to you guys, the sun is out so I’m going to pack up the laptop and go to a beach a little bit north of here to work on my speedo tan and there might be some Grindr guys floating about….. I will keep you posted.

Beach BoyAussie Beach Boy

March 20th, 2022

Members Only Stuff

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A little over a year ago I decided to try having a members only section here on my blog

I wanted to share more of my selfies and more details of my sexual experiences with you guys.

Since I’m not out to most of my friends and none of my family, I have to navigate the fine line between sharing with you guys as much as I can while still not ‘outting’ myself to the entire world.

Also, I have been sued by the Evil Speedo Corporation in the High Court here for using the word speedo.  I’m told they are still looking for me…. hehehe.

So far, the members area seems to be working. I’ve also been able to create a ‘Movie of the Week‘ segment where I can share a full length HD speedo porn movie which is usually reserved for full membership websites because of the bandwidth required.  There is a 3 minute preview available for everyone but members get the full 27 minutes!!!

Thank you to all the guys and couples (I don’t know of any single women) who have joined.  I put a lot of work into this blog and appreciate the support.

  • Speaking of selfies, I just found this one of me wearing my favourite AussieBum Portseas…. yes, members get to see lots of pics of me wearing those speedos.

My Speedo Selfies

If you have any questions please shoot me an email (

September 23rd, 2021

Beach Day

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Friday here on the Sunshine Coast, and the place is living up to its name, it is sunny.  Not a cloud in the sky.

I was up early this morning and I’m changing my daily routine up.

Usually I would fill my coffee mug and go for a walk for maybe 45 minutes, then drop by the ocean pool and bang out 2kms, then grab a coffee on the way home and start my work day.

Today, I was up early and had a coffee while I worked (in bed for the first hour), then I moved up to the roof because it is a little warmer.  With 4 hours of work done I’m packed up and about to ride my bike a little bit north to a quiet beach and do some more work.  Work on my speedo tan and some paperwork.  I’ll take my Kindle as well and maybe get some reading in.

Nothing naughty planned.  If you’d like to read about one of my more naughty beach experiences, click here.

Warning, it involved me being covered in 5 loads of cum and it all started with two members of this blog asking me exactly where I was going to hang out at the beach.

I will be getting a swim in today…. a late swim.

It was a month ago that I was at the pool late and followed one of the lifeguards and a hot swimmer in to the showers just before closing time.  I wrote about that experience as well, click here to read it.  At the time it was indicated to me that this was a regular thing but since that Friday we’ve had lockdowns and then I was away and it just hasn’t happened but it is on my schedule today.

I’m going to be super horny all day but it will be worth it if these two hot young guys are at the pool.

Hopefully I’ll have some juicy details to share with you guys tomorrow.

By the way: both of those stories are mostly for members only.  It is the financial support (it is $5 to join, that allows me the time to sit down and write about my experiences as well as pay the hosting fees, pay Kip, buy speedo porn movies and keep this blog free of pop up ads and crap like that.  There are over 5,000 readers of this blog daily and 80% of those aren’t members.  It is a shame all the things they are missing out on.  It is only $5.

If you’d like to join but aren’t sure, shoot me an email anytime (  If you are a member, email me anytime as well, I love chatting to members directly and spend an hour or so a day doing just that.

Thanks for your support guys.

Speedo Beach Day

August 27th, 2021

Body Surfing in a Speedo

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It was nearly 10 years ago when the ‘Evil Speedo Corporation’ sued me in the Australian High Court.

The whole thing made the Sydney Morning Herald – click here for the article in the paper.

There was no way possible I could afford to defend myself, at court the Evil Speedo Corporation had five lawyers, but I did email the judge and argue that:

  1. I wasn’t living in Australia at the time, and the ‘business’ was not based in anyway in Australia, so I’m not sure how an Australian Court could make such a ruling.
  2. My use of the word ‘speedo’ was generic for male swim briefs. My example is that I use the term “Speedo brand speedos”.  For example: jacuzzi, chapstick, dumpster, jetski, bubblewrap.

Because I didn’t have the financial resources to defend myself, the ‘Evil Speedo Corporation’ won, but I only lost a domain name.  I’m sure it cost them a fortune in legal fees.

One of the funny things that happened during that time was they had hired private investigators to find ‘Dave Evans’ and they knocked on the door of a guy in Sydney.  Turns out, that Dave Evans is gay (maybe they stalked his social media), he loves speedos, but he didn’t know about my websites.  He emailed me telling me about the knock on his door and he became a member.

Over the years they occasionally hassle me and I have to change domain names.  I’d like to think I’m promoting their products and instead of the legal fees they have been wasting, they should pay me to mention their products over say AussieBum speedos or ADIDAS speedos.

I’m not sure why I got on to that little story but someone sent me through this video of some body surfing athletes that Speedo does sponsor.

I think it is great that they are promoting wearing speedos.  Do you wear speedos when body surfing?  I know I do.

I’ve even worn a speedo surfing.  It was with a member and yes… we did have speedo sex on his car afterwards.  Members can read about that experience by clicking here.

April 17th, 2021

Late Night

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It is a nice day here and I think I’m going to go to the pool for a quick swim, then down to the beach for a nap.  I’m not that old, I’m just running on a few hours of sleep.

Kip and I were working on some of the payment stuff here yesterday afternoon and 18 hours later it is back working!!!

Keeping things like this site running really does take a lot of time and I suppose that is why not many other people run websites like this one.

Because we were working on things, we disabled joining for the last day but now you are welcome to become a blog member.

Member benefits include:

  • Watching the full Movie of the Week (over 30 minutes)
  • See all of my speedo selfies
  • Read about all of my naughty speedo experiences
  • Email me anytime for a chat (I love chatting with members)
  • Your $5 is supporting keeping this blog running and without popups or crap like that.

When (not if) you decide to join, the payment will come up as ‘Gocah Limited’ on your credit card statement… a nice touch for discretion.

Join NOW!!!


Published under About Me, Blog Ideassend this post
March 10th, 2021
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