8 thoughts on “Speedos or Undies?

  1. I agree Dave, it does not matter speedos or undies they certainly enhance the cock. Be interesting to know if any of your readers know what they are.

  2. I’ve seen these before and pretty sure they are meant as underwear. Wet undies sure make these models look sexier then ever. A bit of cock showing always helps too

  3. Just looked at the 2wink site. They’re sold as swimwear. Damn, got to get me some.

  4. I agree with you guys, I might have to buy a pair and give them a ‘test run’.

    Would be interesting to know what the material is – they are definitely sold as swimwear.


  5. Yep, they’re swimwear. First photos I saw were of Lee Stram wearing them. He’s hot!!!

  6. They’re made out of a mix of Lycra and normal material soI guess they are classed as waterproof underwear. But I already wear speedos a underwear ;D

  7. Since my first comment I have looked at the 2wink website and the white panel in the speedos in your pics is see thru when wet. Coming out of the water wearing them would get some attention on the beach! Might wear them on the beach but certainly not at the pool. I must get a pair or two.

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