40 thoughts on “Cock Down….

  1. I find it too awkward pointing down, feels really weird! I’m always pointing up… pointing up is easy if you start to harden up as well!

  2. I always point up (or to the side actually). It feels better to me and seems to fit better in a skimpy bikini or underwear.

  3. I’m not sure what difference it makes. Perhaps if I could see photos of cock “down,” “up,” and “to the side” I could make an informed decision.

  4. up its easier more comfortable and if any other guy wants, they can look. and it turns me on

  5. I don’t know how it can be comfortable pointing down. Mine is always up to the right.
    I find it hot when I see people looking at me get out of the pool in my white Aussiebums. I know they are semi see through when wet.

  6. I prefer up, myself, whether in speedos at the pool or just in everyday situations.

    For me, down has the opposite effect in most traditional, non-anatomical garments, which is to say, I go from having some package to none at all pointing down. For that to work for me, special effects have to be in place, like those in Obviously underwear, or various other possibilities.

    Each to their own, I suppose.

  7. Up feels better. Also its better if you get a little wood action. I like the possibility of “accidentally” exposing the tip of my head. Showing off is the whole point of speedos.

  8. Always up and to the right!

    Also I have been trying to register for speedosexuality.com and I never got a confirmation email.

  9. Down, definately. I love the look of a down bulge, plus it feels more natural. And when the guy gets hard and it starts to push the bulge out…looks GREAT!

  10. Down is for guys who don’t want to appear as they love wearing “Dickstickers”, in the up position, you can see what a guy has to offer, and in the perv department, it looks better.

  11. definetely down. i seem to get alot of shrinkage happening if pointing up, it naturally wants to go with gravity!

  12. Always straight up especially when wearing briefs in the cinema…gives the boys underneath a little more room to move around in their sac.

  13. I don’t have the biggest dick ever, so pointing up is the way to go for me. If its not up, its pointing almost straight out!

  14. Maybe showers are down and growers are up!
    Mine’s a shower and is always down.
    Whatever – it’s fun to look eh!
    Do you think there’s an anatomical reason?

  15. down, putting it up is fairly gay, youre all going on about how you like people looking, but thats why people prefer down, because putting up is a sign of being gay

  16. I agree that pointing up or to the side is definitely expecting attention. For me always down, or it will go down naturally by the end of the swim.

  17. Always down, my speedos are so brief that if it was up it would show over the top, as it is if I get an erection it is difficult to hide as it bulges out the top of my speedos.

  18. Cock up. It’s more comfortable that way. No need to be ashamed of getting a hard on. Cock down just does not work when you get a hard on.

  19. Always down. It would peek out if up, and the side gives too much definition.
    The picture is of a guy wearing TruWest briefs. Their euro polo suits are very durable, completely double lined, and the fabric is quite thick. You can do almost any design you want.

  20. I have my dick to the side… more visible through my quite thin speedos… especially if I’m hard and the speedos are wet….

  21. What a great post! I’ve had this on my mind for a while too.

    As for me, always pointing up. I find that it just gives me a better look. I’ve tried down and it’s uncomfortable and doesn’t look flattering. It’s one reason I stopped buying CK underwear, they make the pouch for down pointers…pointing up makes the pouch look horribly bunched. Aussiebum is best.

  22. I’d like to see some of the above commenters pics!
    Sounds like a kool thread to me

  23. Love up for the reasons mentioned, but I usually have precum so I need to swim to hide it

  24. Dave, I like to see your speedo in up or down position so I can decide which would be comfortable to my eyes 🙂

    I’m always pointing up 🙂

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