8 thoughts on “Get your free DE Swimwear

  1. Hi Dave
    Have not commented recently, but follow all your great pics and comments.
    I like to go back into your archives and reread your blogs and look at the great pics, but cannot see any archive option now. Please tell me how to find them.

  2. Darren,

    Since I had posts going back to May 2005 I had to remove the ‘archives’ list on the right side. It was getting too long and screwing up the layout, and it was very rarely used.

    You can still view old posts by going to the next page or search by categories or key words.


  3. I really hope this venture takes off for you Dave. I have always wanted to do something similar but with a range of underwear. While there is a huge range available on line these days I think there are still a few gaps in the market particularly for a product that is a cross between speedos and undies. I will watch your progress with interest (and a little envy).

  4. I was a member until recently and never got mine when they were first offered, even after a couple of reminder emails.
    Biggest size you have.

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