Good Monday morning guys, how was everyones weekend?
Not a whole lot here, partied a little too hard on Saturday night and ended up suffering a little bit yesterday but today is a new week and I’m excited about some things I’m working on.
I have a batch of photos of guys in speedos and this photo here is one of them…. what a great looking bunch of speedo guys!!!
I did notice something in this pic though, the 2nd guy from the left is getting a sneaky little fondle in.
Just imagine what these guys get up to in the locker room after practice.
3 Users Responded in " Sneaky Dick Touch "
It’s probably not just what they get up to, as much as what (or who) might get up them…and just getting up (“it” as well as “each other”) generally…! 😉
Anyway, they’re a hot group, even independent of the intentionally unintentional fondling.
Can’t blame him for trying.
Dr. Phil & Deep Kisser,
I thought you guys would enjoy this photo – thanks for the comments.
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