Sneaky Dick Touch

Good Monday morning guys, how was everyones weekend?

Not a whole lot here, partied a little too hard on Saturday night and ended up suffering a little bit yesterday but today is a new week and I’m excited about some things I’m working on.

I have a batch of photos of guys in speedos and this photo here is one of them…. what a great looking bunch of speedo guys!!!

Speedo Guys

I did notice something in this pic though, the 2nd guy from the left is getting a sneaky little fondle in.

Just imagine what these guys get up to in the locker room after practice.

Sneaky Dick Touch

3 Users Responded in " Sneaky Dick Touch "

Dr. Phil said,  

It’s probably not just what they get up to, as much as what (or who) might get up them…and just getting up (“it” as well as “each other”) generally…! 😉

Anyway, they’re a hot group, even independent of the intentionally unintentional fondling.

DeepKisser said,  

Can’t blame him for trying.

Dave Evans said,  

Dr. Phil & Deep Kisser,

I thought you guys would enjoy this photo – thanks for the comments.


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