I have just been talking to Kip online, we talk pretty much every day and even though our schedules are pretty random the time difference doesn’t screw us up too much. Kip has been snowboarding a few days in Colorado and we were talking about my trip over there this winter. I’m thinking I might head over for the month of February. Sounds like a long time but it is a pretty cheap trip, season pass ($500) and flights are my only big expenses.
That is the rough plan, I’ll look at some flights this week.
One thing I really enjoyed when Kip was here and when I was living at his place in Colorado was that we both hung out (hehe) in speedos pretty much all the time. I hang out in my speedos most of the time when I’m in the house on my own but having someone else in the house hanging out in speedos was fun. A slap on the arse was rather common.
I’ve never lived with a girl for any real period of time and I wonder if str8 couples walk around the house wearing less clothes than they would otherwise?
It probably depends on a variety of things: where they live (which translates to: can the neighbors see them through the windows?), what sorts of people they are, how old they are, how fit they are, and whether or not they have kids being some of the complicating factors.
I’d love to live in a household with a variety of significant others of various genders, and have a “Saturday Speedos/etc. only day” rule or something like that. 😉
Dr. Phil,
Interesting points your raise but they could apply to a gay couple as well.
I like the idea of Speedo Sundays.
I like that idea too – as well as Speedo Mondays, tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. (You get the idea! 😉 )
Depends how warm it is too – winter in England isn’t good for speedos unless you don’t mind the cold.
Like you Dave I have mates just drop in to my place and I am not ‘out’ to any of them. They will usually bring a few beers and sometimes a lot of beer. We have a saying ‘Sundays a great day for drinking’. It would be great if that was changed to ‘Sundays a great day for drinking in your speedos’.