7 thoughts on “Speedos or Nappies?

  1. Dear Darren, if you travel once time in europ and specialy in Paris, it will be a plesure to see you.

  2. Vasy, it may not happen for a while, but I would like to chat with you on a chat line sometime if you are interested. Post a reply on here.

  3. The white swim suits are almost a boxer brief, but the colors down the front are nice…draws the eye there. They are almost a drag suit you would pull over your speedo for training.

  4. Not my type of speedo sadly, although I would not mind getting my hands on the contents! No more comments from vasy!

  5. darren..i don’t forget aussiespeedoguy..i’m in travel in italy for three days..i come back soon..ok for chats..

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