7 thoughts on “Too Much Muscle

  1. Depending on what supplements he’s taking, what’s in his suit may be a limp sausage and not a stiff dick. A lot of these guys may have the muscle, but are hard pressed for a boner in bed

  2. Love a guy with some definition . . . largely because, as much as I try, I’m not built to naturally put on muscle! Kind of envious of guys who can. Ah well! Fleeting dreams . . .

    At least, I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got anyways. Slim etc in advancing middle age! lol I’d happily have any of the above do push-ups on me too, Dave.

    As Spear correctly says . . . well defined guys (if helped with roids etc) usually have limp dicks and shrunken balls as a result!

    At least mine are still in working order . . . several sprogs to prove it . . . lol

  3. I share your view of guys with too much muscle. Keep things in proportion. I do yoga and some other functional fitness. A friend of mine developed a beach workout that involves lots of swimming/treading water/jogging/crunches on the beach. It’s intense but enjoyable.

    I did it yesterday afternoon. The first circuit was in boardies, but I shed them in favor of my speedo, even though I was on a southern US beach where they are by far not the norm. I hate boardies.

  4. Kris,

    If it is really you, drop me an email. I think you are a great speedo ambassador.

    I’d love to maybe interview for this blog if you were interested.


    Great job on shedding the speedo during your workout – sounds awesome!!!


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