White Speedos

What did you guys get up to today?

I was part of a new Guinness Book of World Records shot ski….  “What is a shot ski?” I hear you ask…..  it is when you put multiple shot glasses on a ski and drink as a one.  We had to register so perhaps Kip and I will be in some formal record of the event.

Other than that, we started drinking early today so I thought I’d give you some speedo eye candy before Kip and I get into the hottub.  And since I’m wearing white speedos I thought I’d share this cutie with you.  The speedo solar (which has 1″ sides and a seam down the front and the back) is a classic.

White Speedo SolarWhite Speedo Solar Speedos

1 User Responded in " White Speedos "

ColoradoFatbiker said,  

Have 5 of the 1″ solar suits. LOVE these!

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