Anyone have these speedos?

Does anyone know what these speedos are that are in the header image?  I received an email from a fan over the weekend who wanted to know what those speedos are…..

Black and White Beach Speedos

The closest I can come up with are a pair of AussieBum Lowriders, but I’m not 100% sure they are them.  Either way they are great looking speedos – if anyone owns these let me know.  I’d love to know where to buy them if they aren’t AussieBums and if they are AussieBums, are they lycra or nylon?

AussieBum Low Rider

1 User Responded in " Anyone have these speedos? "

DeepKisser said,  

Photos 1 and 2, are a different suit than 3 and 4, so that was fun to inspect. LOL

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