Day at the beach

Today is supposed to be gorgeous weather wise, 25C, light wind, no clouds.  So I’m up early doing some work so I can head up to Birdie Beach and just hang out in my speedos.

Alex can’t make it to the pool today so I’m not missing out there but if anyone is in the neighbourhood and wants to hang out at Birdie Beach email me in the next couple of hours.  Or find me, from the carpark I’ll walk half an hour or so south down the beach.  Not sure yet what speedos I’ll wear but probably my black ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos.

Thanks to everyone for their support in joining my site  I can’t believe the response and from the feedback so far sounds like you guys enjoyed my first time with Alex last Friday.

If these guys want to join me at the beach…. I think they can count me in.

Speedo FriendsDay at the Beach in SpeedosFriends in Speedos

1 User Responded in " Day at the beach "

ps1541 said,  

Are you sure they’re legal, Dave?

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