7 thoughts on “Fun speedos

  1. I’ll make a deal with you Dave. You can have the speedos and I’ll take what’s in them. Fair???

  2. Missed a few days of reading Dave’s blog, but I am back and agree that all the guys are hot, but the last guy is for me, just getting his shorts off so it would not take too long to remove his speedos. You will have to share them with me as well Pete25.

  3. Have to agree with you Darren. The last guy is a treasure. Maybe Thursday for a chat.

  4. Once I got these suits off these guys, I’d be doing laps in all of these “trophy” suits. I don’t have suits for laps only. I’d be wearing these knowing how I got them.

  5. I agree electric2010 I like the first suit the best but prefer the 2nd and 3rd models. They all look like fun but not sure I would wear any in public.

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