I was just talking to Kip online, for those of you who are new here, Kip is my server admin which means he runs all the technical stuff that I’m not smart enough to be able to handle. Kip lives in Breckenridge, Colorado which works out great since I love snowboarding and hottubs…. two things Kip has his disposal in Breckenridge.
I forgot all about it but today, in the US, it is 4th of July and it sounded like Kip was a little bit drunk already -hehehe.
In the spirit of drinking and America Day (I know it is Independence Day, but did you know that both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on July 4th?), here are some guys being proud to be American, and proud to wear speedos.
3 Users Responded in " Happy America Day "
happy 4th of july in oz land. hot tub, beer, grilled steak, and corn on the cob…did i mention beer?
I’ve always found it one of those superlative ironies that wearing speedos is “totally gay” for straight white drunk frat boy rednecks…unless it is an American flag speedo and it’s the 4th of July (or, as they might pronounce it, “Jew-Lie”). Weird. Still the worst pattern for a speedo ever, but get them out of it quickly and it shouldn’t be a problem. 😉
A bit harsh, but certainly true, Dr. Phil!
Perhaps if we could get them all to wear US flag speedos all the time, it might have the effect of making speedo wearing more acceptable . . . ?
Or am I just ‘shooting the breeze’ . . . ?
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