Sorry for the lack of posts over the last week guys, been super busy and I have some relatives in town so that has kept me away from my usual office hours and I’ve been seeing ‘wineries’ and gay stuff like that.
Everything is running smoothly but I just haven’t had much time to sit down and blog.
Here is a quickie for you guys. I’m sure I’ve told you guys a million times that jockstraps really isn’t an Australian thing but more pics of guys like this might help.
I promise I will be able to post more coming into this weekend.
It’s a tough call…
While there is a fun factor, and a convenience factor, to jockstraps, it’s a bit more uncertain as well. In my view, any guy’s appearance can be improved by a speedo; not all can be improved by a jockstrap, however, and occasionally they make someone who might otherwise be attractive (or at least somewhat interesting) look quite unappealing, at least to me.
To be honest, it might have to do with ass hair. If one has excessive or unfortunate ass hair and is in a speedo, that’s fine; if one is naked, that’s fine; but if one is in a jockstrap, it’s like putting a frame around ass hair…and, well, you just wouldn’t do that most of the time, would you? 😉