As I said yesterday, Lake Powell was awesome. Kip and I barely wore anything other than just speedos the entire time which is something I don’t even get to do here at home in Australia because I have random people dropping by all the time.
There were 13 of us one the boat and if you consider Kip and I a couple, it was 6 couples and one single guy (Jason). Kip and I had our own room with a double bed, 2 of the couples pitched tents (hehehe) on the top deck of fhe boat. Everyone kind of had their own space.
Poor Jason was going to camp on the top deck but for 3 nights he ended up sleeping with Kip and I.
Probably half the guys wore speedos anytime they got wet but Jason, Kip and I were the ones who wore speedos ALL the time.
I’m sure I’ve made the argument before, and I will make it again. Speedos are an ice breaker and the first afternoon when we finally got the houseboat out of the marina Kip and I knew that we would be fucking Jason somehow, someway during the trip.
The first night Jason just snuck into our room as Kip and I were making out in our speedos (Kip wearing some navy AussieBums, me wearing my ADIDAS 3-stripe and Jason wearing a pair of classic black lycra speedos). Kip and I had joked that we expected Jason any minute. The next morning nobody else on the boat commented but I’m sure they all knew what was going on.
That first full day everyone was a little hung over so it was a slow start and everyone was just in and out of the water. As the afternoon approached Kip and I decided to go on a hike to see if we could get up high on the mesa (that is a new word for me), we asked if anyone else wanted to come along but Jason was the only taker. The three of us set off in tennis/running shoes and our speedos (I was wearing my red Arena speedos, Kip was wearing my Aussie flag Turbo speedos and Jason was wearing his black lycra speedo brand speedos. I took a pack and put the usual supplies, water, towel, beer, condoms and lube).
Jason sounds–and looks–like quite a catch and a real stand-up guy. Ahem. 😉
tell him he looks great in all speedos. two thumbs up.
this is jason (not my real name, thanks dave)
thanks for the positive feedback on my photos, lake powell was a great time particularly with dave and kip