There is just something about the pics below of a model wearing white speedos in a apool.
I can’t seem to put my finger on it but there is just something about these pics which brings back memories of my, rather numerous, naughty speedo experiences. Perhaps it is the lighting of the shoot looks like night time, most pics that I see, and even movie shoots are taken during the day but most of my speedo sexual experiences have been at night. The setting is familiar as well being a pool or indoor area.
My first MMF (that is online abbreviation for Male, Male, Female) threesome was in a pool setting just like those in the photograph. It was that threesome and my need to tell someone, anyone about it that lead to me starting this blog.
Click here to read that story.
Although my bisexual blog,, doesn’t have as many readers as this place, and I have often considered not continuing with it. Then all of a sudden my bisexual side will rear its head and that will be a focus of my sexual life which doesn’t always interest you guys.
Today Kip and I had lunch at an old hotel that I stayed at in my late teens on a snowboarding trip and it brought back fond memories of when I once rejected sex for a powder day.
If you want to read about it swing over there –
At our current location there is a private hottub for Kip and I to play in, but sometimes it is a bit more naughty to play in a public pool late at night.
Hot guy…hot speedo…hot combination! Great pics, Dave! Thanks (as always) for sharing!
You’re welcome mate.