One more time with Alex and I

Amanda, the American chick, just left and is headed south towards Melbourne.

I’m pretty sure it is safe to say that she had an awesome time and yesterday she had another threesome with Alex and I.

I had something fun in mind so Alex and I both wore a pair of my AussieBum Portsea’s.  It was these speedos after all that I had my first MFM bisexual threesome in so it was a little nostalgic.

Alex and my speedos

2 Users Responded in " One more time with Alex and I "

samspeedo said,  

Mmmm . . . nice speedos in that bisexual 3some! Nice to see you using rubbers . . . but the white stuff in them doesn’t look like cum to me!

Which is a bit of a pity!

You seem to be shooting super-white tadpoles when the rest of us have it a more cream/yellow colour!

Any advice . . .?

Dave Evans said,  


I’m 100% when it comes to rubbers mate. To be completely honest I have never had sex without wearing one and I won’t.

My cum is creamy with an off colour as well, I’m pretty sure my camera doesn’t like close in and indoor shots. The tabs (side panels) on those Porteas as much more distinct in real life – they kind of looked washed out in the blue in that photo to me.


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