Did you guys like Part 1 of Alex’s interview yesterday? I hope so because he dropped in last night and this time I conducted the interview with us both only wearing speedos. Wolf Blitzer watch out!!! We did end up fucking afterwards as well – hehehe. Maybe it should be a ‘watch out Anderson Cooper’.
Today I slept in a little bit and just wasn’t feeling motivated at all. Until I saw these three hotties in their black speedos……
That made me feel guilty and I went for a walk over to Avoca Beach and I’m writing this quickly because I’m going to go to the pool for a swim. Then I think I will jerk off to these guys.
Thanks for sharing these ones, Dave…wow, these three are gorgeous, and I’d happily have any/all of them! (And I’m sure most of your readers would, too!). I shall take their images with me and make a deposit in the Wank Bank later! 😉
Incidentally, does anyone else think fellow #1 here looks a slight bit like Henry Cavill, a.k.a. the new Superman? (If he were much wetter, of course?)