Speedos at the Pool

I forgot to tell you guys yesterday that I wasn’t the only person wearing speedos at the pool!!!!

While in Breck I NEVER saw another guy wearing speedos (although a guy contacted me saying he wore speedos at the pool but our paths never crossed).

There weren’t a whole lot of people there, 11am is a quiet time, but the 3 or 4 guys I saw were all wearing speedos.

I still don’t understand why the changeroom in the states was full of male nudity, and not a single speedo to be seen….

OK, tonight they boys are coming over for some drinks and then we are off to the Terrigal Pub to immerse myself in the beautiful people of the Central Coast.

Now I’m off to the pool and do my man chores (grocery shopping), it isn’t all speedos and sex for Mr. Evans.

Speaking of speedos, here is some speedo eye candy, hope you guys have a good Friday night.

Low Cut SpeedoGreen Speedos at the BeachBeach Time

4 Users Responded in " Speedos at the Pool "

Ste said,  

Maybe the guys in the US never got over their teenage embarrassment at VPLs and unwanted erections?

michael said,  

What pool are you using is it at East G?

Darren said,  

The guy in the first pic is great with those speedos with the drop in the waistband at the front, or has he got a hard on pushing his speedos down. Obviously a shaved cock and balls -GREAT!!

Dave Evans said,  


I think it is called the Gosford Olympic pool. Coming from Terrigal it is on the left before you got into Gosford (and Blue Tongue Stadium) itself.


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