4 thoughts on “Square Cut Speedos

  1. That almost looks like one of Andrew Christian’s models, but it isn’t…the styles of their square cuts are similar to some of AC’s as well.

    It is bizarre, I find, that sometimes that little bit of extra fabric ends up making a much hotter silhouette…and sometimes, not remotely. There are about 90 different factors on how good a swimsuit looks, and who is wearing it only accounts for about 30 of those. 😉

  2. Dr. Phil,
    You are right that they look like Andrew Christians – I like the darker ones but I like that guy more too so maybe I’m biased.
    I promise to post some pics of my square cuts later this week.

  3. As long as it fits skin-tight, caresses a bulge, is spandex, and is NOT a jammer—I’ll take it! DAMN, these guys are hot!!

  4. I have seen guys on cruise ships in nice fitted trucks like the ones above. On the same ship were guys in speedos. Both were better than swim shorts, especially for getting more tan. In either case with speedos or trucks the wearer should be in relatively good shape.

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