4 thoughts on “Why can’t guys kiss?

  1. Dave,
    Great question. Why do women seem to get turned off by two guys kissing? Maybe because women need to have the emotional bond, and guys we just want to get off? They always think it is love, not just sex?

  2. beerdoc says: Dave this seems to me to be “I ‘m not gay, but my boyfriend is ” scene. how odd for her to be “shocked, yes shocked”

  3. Honestly, I think there’s nothing wrong with it. Being young means exploring your sexuality. I certainly did when I was in my 20’s. And if I had met a guy at the time wanting to share his friend, you could be damn sure I would have jumped at the chance. Life is short and you’re only young once. Explore, have fun, be safe, and make the most of it. 😉

  4. If the guy doesn’t kiss or is not a good kisser, I’m not in the mood to get naked with him.

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