Male One Piece Swimsuits

What do you guys think about these guys wearing these one piece swimsuits?

They kind of look like wrestling suits, which by the way I have never even seen in the flesh let alone worn one – we just don’t wrestle down under.

Would love to hear your thoughts on these, please leave a comment.

Male One PieceOne Piece For MenWrestle SuitGuys One PieceMale Lycra One Piece

9 Users Responded in " Male One Piece Swimsuits "

rbmcobra said,  

They look too much like a women’s Speedo to me.

mike said,  

Number 3 or Number 1 – Yes please

vasy said,  

number one of course..blond and big tool

samspeedo said,  

Agree with vasy! Blond and big! Also agree with rbmcobra . . . some of these look just a bit too much like women’s speedos. A lot comes down to the cut of the costume itself. Pic 1 & 5 guys almost need a larger pouch to hold themselves in!

Rick said,  

Nice set of pics Dave. I love these Tri suits. I have 2 and use them for cycling / swimming so don’t have to bother changing. Not to everyone’s taste but like Speedo’s it’s another chance to display the goods!

samspeedo said,  

Agree, Rick! Always like displaying my goods when I’m in a nylon or lycra speedo. Usually have to go for a smaller / tighter lycra number to get a really good silhouette! A wet nylon speedo shows everything perfectly!

Rick said,  

Hey samspeedo spot on. My first nylon aussiebums were size M but now buy XS. Gives a great silhouette with just about enough material to cover and superb when wet.

Darren said,  

Dave, I am not into one piece suits, but the guys in these are great, I agree with vasy, no 1 for me.

Anonymous said,  

I like them, but sadly don’t know where to buy them

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