Two guys is just as much fun

Busy day lined up here guys so I thought I’d post some speedo randomness.  And instead of just one guy, why not two?

Fit SpeedosPink SpeedosBrazilian Cut Speedos

3 Users Responded in " Two guys is just as much fun "

walt said,  

What percent of guys trim or completely shave their pubes if they are into low riding Speedos? Just pubes? Chest like these guys?
…I do both and could never get away with wearing my speedo just above my cock if I didn’t…

Dave Evans said,  


I do the same as you do and keep things trimmed down stairs.

I’m really not a fan of the 1970’s super bush on guys or girls although it doesn’t have to be completely bald.


Dr. Phil said,  

The gents in #2 are Andrew Christian models (on the job!), so it’s not surprising that they are required to do so.

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