Strip Chess

Chess is kinda nerdy and although I can play chess I’m no expert.

But I do love playing ‘Strip Chess’….

What is strip chess?  Well it is just like normal chess but each of the pawns, usually the least valuable piece or which there are 8 per side, each of which are worth one piece of clothing.

I can’t remember anyone every telling me about this although I’m sure I’m not the first person to come up with the idea.  A few years ago a girl I was seeing wanted to learn to play chess and I figured this would be a bit of an incentive …. hehehe.

Turned out to be great fun with this girl but I’ve never played it with anyone else although I mentioned it to a friend once and he and his boyfriend (now husband) still play it which is awesome.

I nearly forgot, one extra part of the game is if you play multiple games, each game you loose means you start with one less piece of clothing.  It does change the dynamic of the game as now taking pawns is advantageous.

Anyone on the Central Coast got a chess board?

Strip Chess

5 Users Responded in " Strip Chess "

Darren said,  

I am not sure about strip chess, I could strip this guy any time.

Ste said,  

Wish I could play chess. Wish I could play strip chess with either him or you, Dave…? 😉

Pete25 said,  

Darren – if you log on go to chat room we agreed on. I will log on at work and we can exchange info.

Randy said,  

I would just knock my own king over, and then suck him off in that hot Aussiebum Portsea.

Darren said,  

We are commenting on two different blogs. Let me know which chat room and I will get on with it when I get home

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