With all the fun stuff that has been going on lately, I completely forgot the milestone of the 800th Speedo Photo of the Day.
The Speedo Photo of the Day is a free part of my site SwimmerBoyz.com. A few years ago when I did a complete redesign of the site I wanted something that was updated often and showcased some of the best speedo photos or just my favourite speedo photos.
If you haven’t been there, go and check it out. It is 100% free, no popups or any of that crap and you can see all 800 Speedo Photos of the Day which area hand picked by me.
6 Users Responded in " 800th Speedo Photo of the Day "
Is that your cute butt in that pic, Dave?
nice tan, nice suit, nice beach, wish I was there to rub suntan lotion on his back.
Yeah . . . nice set of buns (who ever they belong to!) lol
Just love the black aussiebums . . . have a pair of them here . . . just love wearing them around!
Congratulations on a successful web site, blog, and sex life….you are the envy of many!
I have greatly enjoyed your comments and pics over the years, and having been a member of your site, there are many out there that have benefited from your experiences, and encouragement to go speedo. May the years before you continue your success!
Keep speedoing, cr
Thanks for the kind words and your support mate.
It has been a fun ride that is for sure. And hopefully only more fun in the future!!!
Ahahahaha dammit, no kidding guys that is a pic I took of my ex’s butt at Mullaloo beach here in Perth hahahaha sigh…
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