Cute Speedo Guys

I’ve got a really busy day today guys but I don’t want to leave you guys hanging.

Here are some screen shots of the latest movie on my site  As you can imagine, it is pretty hot.

I’m going to be down in Sydney tomorrow but I have some news that I really want to share with you guys, firstly, I got an email from the guy who I think I saw at the pool last week (the guy with the butt that was hot enough to melt steel – and maybe firmer) and I was also invited to a speedo only pool party down in Sydney which has up to a dozen guys who regularly attend.

I’ll tell you guys all about it in a couple of days time.

In the mean time, drop over to – check out this movie and the ‘Speedo Photo of the Day‘.  Of course, you could be really cool and join.

Lifeguard Square Cut SpeedoRemoving SpeedosSpeedo BlowjobLifeguard Speedo Blowjob

1 User Responded in " Cute Speedo Guys "

Dr. Phil said,  

You never disappoint, Dave! The blue suit above would be close to perfect for me at present–the more abbreviated suits are not tending to flatter me much, but it’s the colors in particular that do it for me here.

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