Day in White Speedos

How have you guys been? It feels like I’ve been off the grid for the last week.

I had a death in the family and it was a bit of a shock.  Each day is getting better and I think I’ve cried it out.

Don’t mean to be a Debbie downer and I have a tonne of work to catch up on.  Tonight I’m going to see Surfer Chick which should make me feel better.

Today is looking like a gorgeous day outside too so I’m going to wear my white speedos all day and definitely get into the water.  If you see me walking from my house into the surf in white speedos, definitely come and say hello.

I’ve got 2 new movies for that I’ve got to do today so I’ll get on that and share some screen shots with you guys tomorrow.

In the mean time…. here is some white speedo eye candy.

White Speedo ButtTastey White SpeedoWhite Speedo Model

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