Looks like the Evil Speedo Corporation has their speedos in a bunch over my websites again.
They have tried to close my sites for years and even took me to the High Court of Australia way back. My argument was and still is that ‘speedo’ has become a generic term. Just like aspirin, heroin, dry ice, app, zip code, adrenalin, bubble wrap, dumpster, jet ski, super heros. I also argue that if anything I am promoting their product.
Obviously, they don’t see it the same way.
So a couple of domains names aren’t working.
- SwimmerSexuality.com is the speedo forum now.
- AussieSpeedoGuy.org is this blog now.
That is actually all. So not that big a deal. I’ll probably add some new domains next week so that search engines will find me a little easier.
In the mean time, I really appreciate everyone’s support and the best way to show that is to join my site SwimmerBoyz.com (was SpeedoBoyz.com until the Evil Speedo Corporation took that away).
How is it evil to a company that one guy is spreading the wearing and purchasing of their suits, a brief swimming suit that we all know as a speedo? Your contribution to the speedo world has made money for the Speedo Corporation, they should be proud of the work you have done.
And for Speedo to not realize that their speedos haven’t been associated for decades with sex, straight/bi/gay, is rather naive and myopic on their part!
I completely agree with you mate. AND I must add that the Evil Speedo Corporation has never reached out to me in anyway so I don’t really know what their gripe is with.
Thanks for your support mate.
And, that hot picture is just further evidence that the Evil Speedo Corporation (ESC) has lost its grip on reality!
Here’s one hot dude, wearing what is unmistakably a speedo swimmer! Doesn’t he look awesome? Don’t black speedos look fantastic on him as well?
Don’t hot guys wearing fantastic black low-cut speedos make you wanna race out and buy a pair?
I just don’t get what the problem is for the ESC . . . maybe they have a ‘death wish’? Mebbe they’re out to reduce sales?
I would have thought there was a lot of truth in the old adage: “any publicity is great publicity”!
But . . . what would I know . . .
And, that hot picture is just further evidence that the Evil Speedo Corporation (ESC) has lost its grip on reality!
Here’s one hot dude, wearing what is unmistakably a speedo swimmer! Doesn’t he look awesome? Don’t black speedos look fantastic on him as well?
Don’t hot guys wearing fantastic black low-cut speedos make you wanna race out and buy a pair?
I just don’t get what the problem is for the ESC . . . maybe they have a ‘death wish’? Mebbe they’re out to reduce sales?
I would have thought there was a lot of truth in the old adage: “any publicity is great publicity”!
But . . . what would I know . . .
If Speedo was a fair corporation, they should also be going after every porno studio that has shown any sex with a guy and a girl wearing a speedo. That would keep their greedy lawyers rather occupied.
In the mean time, I for one will not be purchasing another speedo from Speedo; which by the way, I’m not found of their suits now a day anyway.
Ok, so this explains my recent problems finding those sites! Thought that ESC must have been involved. PM’ed you on “The Speedo Forum” before I saw this post. The Aussie Speedo Guy link on that site is still pointing to the old address…
Keep up the great work with our sites!
Hi Dave,
I was firstly suprised when the speedo forum disappeared.
I though you were doing some maintanance.
However, then I realized something is wrong I started searching for it. Being years long user – I didn’t manage to find it that easily under the new domain.
Then back in time I remember that you had this domain for your blog.
I think some of the members of the speedo forum could get confused also.
So, I suggest that you fix the links to your blog on your official web site here:
This way people can come to your blog and understand what had happened.
I wish you only success and thanks for the great sites!
Your comment samspeedo: “Here’s one hot dude, wearing what is unmistakably a speedo swimmer! Doesn’t he look awesome? Don’t black speedos look fantastic on him as well?
Don’t hot guys wearing fantastic black low-cut speedos make you wanna race out and buy a pair?”
I may not look as hot as the guy in the picture, but I enjoy wearing them and swimming in them. Your comment seems to imply that you have to have a particular look to wear speedos. It can accidently be a bit discouraging. I look at the picture as an inspiratioon to wear speedos.