There might be lots of speedos at the pool but I’m still the only speedo on the beach here.
I think I was down by the surf club (Life Saving Club – has nothing to do with ‘surfing’) and saw some people training and a few of them had speedos but so far that is the only speedos I’ve seen on the beach other than mine.
If anyone is up in Terrigal this weekend, speedo it up on the beach and I’ll say g’day, you should be able to recognize me.
Speaking of which, time for a quick dip and then get ready for tonight. Some of the boys coming over to watch some football (NRL) and then we’ll probably hit the pub and Kebabs for a late dinner/walk along the beach home. Ow yeah, the entire purpose of this is to get laid somehow by someone……
Hope you guys have a good Friday night.
Would lov to hang out in speedos with that 2nd. Love that smooth, tight body.
And he is wearing one of my all time favourite speedos!!!
If I weren’t half a world away, I would gladly hang in in speedo’s with you.
I kinda love the supa tight blue speedos those Italian guys are wearing in the third pic.
Any tighter and everything would just tumble out!
Here’s hoping . . . !