5 thoughts on “Speedo’ing it up

  1. Totally hot…the others aren’t bad, but even though I’d prefer a more interesting speedo on that first guy (not to mention the woman wearing less!), nonetheless, that’s pretty hot, and there’d be the fun of watching the shirt and the cut-offs come off in the mix. 😉

  2. Dr. Phil,
    I kinda like that classic black speedo, he wears it perfectly, low on the hips the way I like it.
    I would love to be a fly on the wall in their bedroom that is for sure.

  3. Certainly, it’s better than the alternative! 😉

    The guy in the second photo on the left must have most of his bare ass hanging out, unless there’s some weird trick of the camera angle that would allow it to be covered while looking otherwise…ever have that experience where an alternate view in a photo might be more interesting?

  4. I have said before life is not a dress rehearsal…WEAR YOUR SPEEDOS and be brave. For me I have a standard statement that I say if I ever get a comment…which I never do…I say the smaller the suit the quicker and easier it dries. With this suit I can wring it out in a towel, toss it in my bag and never worry about it getting moldy or funky. That is also why I cut out the second piece of fabric in the front….less to dry…LIVE YOUR LIFE DAVE….and others.

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