2 thoughts on “Speedos & Sex, like ying and yang

  1. Hi Dave, I have been following your blog for several years now but this is my first comment. Not sure why it’s taken so long but I’m finally here;-).

    I have been a lover of speedos for as long as I can remember and I always thought I was alone in this until I thankfully came across your blog (excuse the pun).

    It’s now obvious to me that there are many guys out there who love speedos as much as you and I do. I guess this makes us somewhat normal. Therefore no shrink is required (he he).

    As many of your posts mention and many of your followers comment on, there seems to be a ‘speedo phobia’ out there. Personally I wish more guys would wear speedos and lose the addiction to baggy board shorts. There’s always hope.

    Keep up the excellent work Dave, I am jealous. I wish I could make a living from my love of speedos too.

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