Just a quick blog post before I head off to the pool.
Turned out I had a rather big Sunday afternoon session, and after I had behaved all week and behaved myself on both Friday and Saturday night. Lets just say that Monday was a quiet one and then Tuesday I spent catching up on the work I was supposed to do on Monday – hahaha.
Didn’t shag anyone’s wife, husband, didn’t get arrested and didn’t spend too much money so no harm no foul.
I’m off to the pool with Alex once I finish this post. I haven’t spoken to him since he told me he knew about me being “Aussie Speedo Guy” but he did txt me this morning seeing if I’d be up for a swim.
Should be interested to see if he says anything. Talk to you guys later.
Dear Alex: obviously you are into guys as well as girls, please grow some balls and hook up with Dave
Ditto Drew