2 thoughts on “Sydney Airport

  1. I’ll be in the airport in a few hours myself…and I was just wondering what I would be wearing under my trousers. I think I have the answer now! (Nothing will probably happen, but if I get felt up by the security folks, if they need to feel me up more for some odd reason, they may get an interesting surprise!)

  2. BTW, Dave: if you get the chance when you arrive, look at the U.S. Olympic swimming trials footage for Wednesday night and Michael Phelps’ 200m butterfly win. I am not a fan of jammers in comparison to speedos (oddly enough!), but he had the chutzpah to wear fluorescent yellow ones with black seams–all the other guys were wearing mostly black ones with perhaps stripes of some sort–and they looked pretty damned good (especially from the back) before he swam, but after he swam the front was a bit see-through-ish…! 😉

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