5 thoughts on “Thinking of going Members Only

  1. Aw… That’s too bad. I really like your blog posts and pics. You have a keen eye for great reading material, and I appreciate you sharing your “diary” with us so that we can fantasize being in the middle of all the dirty fun! Please keep some of it free so that those of us who don’t have the financial ability can continue to enjoy your content.

  2. I had a membership, but during that whole year I always had a problem logging in, which was not a big deal since I could see what was happening on your blog. However if it goes Members only I don’t think I need the aggravation with technical problems, and I will save the money too. Dave you should consider staying public.

  3. Like Deepkisser, I TOO had problems logging into your member site after signing up in April for an annual membership. Technical problems seem to relate to Paypal logon being different to member logon name. Dave I have tried to send you emails at DaveEvans@speedofetish.com describing my problems but they all go unanswered which is sloppy customer service.

    Until you fix these technical problems on your site, I suggest you continue with the blog.

  4. I quite like the mix as it is.
    I am a member but I like that there is a bigger audience of occasionals
    I would leave it as it is Dave

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